God, is that one of the swords from SAO?! Abjectly shit taste. If you’re gonna pose with a fictional blade, dude coulda picked like. Rebellion, Frostmourne, Ryuko’s Scissor-blade, one of the 40 or 50 designs of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur; and this jagoff picks the single lamest protag’s single lamest blade? HE COULD’VE EVEN PICKED TRUNKS’ NONDESCRIPT-ASSED SWORD, Z-ERA OR SUPER-ERA AND I WOULDN’T BE ROASTING HIM LIKE THIS!
Froustmorne is based, Zoro’s katanas would be lit, demon slayer blades are crazy, zanpaktos are awesome, shard blades are sick. Light sabers are a classic. Practical HEMA swords are neat. Your local blacksmith likes to make swords.
This is the person calling you a tankie
God, is that one of the swords from SAO?! Abjectly shit taste. If you’re gonna pose with a fictional blade, dude coulda picked like. Rebellion, Frostmourne, Ryuko’s Scissor-blade, one of the 40 or 50 designs of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur; and this jagoff picks the single lamest protag’s single lamest blade? HE COULD’VE EVEN PICKED TRUNKS’ NONDESCRIPT-ASSED SWORD, Z-ERA OR SUPER-ERA AND I WOULDN’T BE ROASTING HIM LIKE THIS!
Such trash taste omfg.
Froustmorne is based, Zoro’s katanas would be lit, demon slayer blades are crazy, zanpaktos are awesome, shard blades are sick. Light sabers are a classic. Practical HEMA swords are neat. Your local blacksmith likes to make swords.
Homie chose SAO???
That is 100% the sword from the SAO protagonist, and between this and including
I am extremely suspicious of mr assistant professor
Someone start a GoFundMe to get this dweeb a LoZ Master Sword
I know bullying is wrong and bad… but can we please bully him?