Hilariously this probably will put more land in the hands of the houthis who only control the core areas of the green county
This is getting so dull. They learn about a country for the first time, are told they are the “bad guys” and then start talking about how they should be balkanised.
I wonder how many of these are done by yanks, and how many are done by Brits who are trying to relive the glory days of their empire?
If they were done by Brits at least one of the break away regions flags would have the pedophile pride flag stamped on the corner of it
They’re gonna fantasize about balkanizing Singapore at this point. Every building its own country.
All these maps made by r*dditors fantasizing about genociding/balakanizing all their geopolitical enemies are going to show up in future war crime trials one way or another.
Every building its own country.
is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
Wouldn’t the state in red be mostly empty land?
deleted by creator
Literally five towns and a village or two
Love to make every nation into a bunch of ethnostates, I'm not a racist, but I love stoking the flames of racism