no, put urine on his gravestone
Urine’s too good
Man deserves liquid hangover shits
All the piss will erode away the stone, won’t be able to read it
Most divorced, estranged, my-kids-don’t-look-me-in-the-eye statement of the year 🏆
Therapy if you’re upper middle class or richer is like like 10% learning coping mechanisms, 90% feeding your ego. Why are these guys so against it? Like it’s basically a consumer product at this point, trust me it’s not going to make you check your privilege or whatever you think happens at therapy.
This is why I refuse to go no matter how many people say I’m “unstable” and “clearly in need of ‘professional’ help”
That and I’m a MAN (blues riff)
Knowing Musk this is a brag about how he isn’t a snowflake cuck that needs therapy and not an admission that he has issues.
Thats gonna be a pretty good ad for therapy
we know, elon…we know
he’s gonna let the dark thoughts win
It shows
Every day he wakes up and thinks “what can I do today to own myself?”
Let’s make this happen asap
Yeah sure, as long as the gravestone happens in the near future.