Hundreds of anti-Zionist Jews and allies just took over NBC’s famed 30 Rockefeller Center headquarters in NYC to disrupt President Biden’s appearance on @LateNightSeth
Hundreds of anti-Zionist Jews and allies just took over NBC’s famed 30 Rockefeller Center headquarters in NYC to disrupt President Biden’s appearance on @LateNightSeth
No offense, but even the Great Man Theory is not this naive.
Do you seriously believe that an entrenched system propped up by an intricate network of institutions that serve capital can be toppled by a single celebrity?
Yeah, but have you seen Swifties? God damn…
maybe one celebrity and her peoples’ army
I think they were exaggerating
I think you underestimate the power of teen girl fandoms
You underestimate the raw power of a girlboss
Yes, we think a pop star billionaire will topple capitalism. Any other questions?