Darwin believed one of the more popular explanations of his time: expanding Earth theory. Basically, the planet was like an expanding dough ball. It decently explained why things looked like they fit together. Darwin even went out to Patagonia to investigate some cliffs, and basically “confirmed” the theory.
So Darwin was trying to explain how creatures with common lineage appeared both sides of an ocean. He “proved” that the land masses were once joined. He didn’t really care so much about “how” they were joined, but it was vital to his theory of evolution that they were.
Oh, definitely. It’s also worth noting that he definitely wasn’t a geologist, despite having an interest in it. I was mostly just mentioning it because there were theories trying to explain the similarities across landmasses before plate tectonics. We may not always be right about why, but we’re really good at noticing stuff like that (even when it doesn’t mean anything).
That theory sounds bad, like the opposite problem we’ve currently got. Eventually it’d turn into mad max
Using our understanding of the fundamental elements and atomic particles, we can create weapons capable of destroying the entire earth.
How was earth made though?
Fuck, we don’t know. We’ll stick with God.
I mean, figuring out how to destroy something is always easier than how to create
deleted by creator
wasnt it more like 1920s? so “honey take some heroin for your cough from coal mining”
ehhh, the modern inception of the idea was Wegener in the 1910s, but it had no real mechanism for it.
it really wasn’t until the 60s that it had been solidified into a single theory with strong evidence behind it and became widely accepted
I mean “south america do be fitting africa” was that guy maybe?
I mean yeah and “that’s cute honey do you want a cigarette” is basically what geologists told him lmfao
But they should have gave him some heroin, we need contemporaneous geologist headpat
bro, you dont need to post screenshots of twitter. just steal the post, no one cares.
But 𝕏crements are my favorite genre of meme
that’s why copy pasting is so satisfying. it’s shittyshitshitting all about.
Makes me wonder what other “obvious things” we don’t know yet
That wearing a mask reduces the spread of airborne diseases.
People only figured out the mechanics of plate tectonics relatively recently. However, they started noticing that the continents looked like they had fit together as soon as they had accurate maps to look at. In the late 1500’s
Abraham Ortelius in his work Thesaurus Geographicus … suggested that the Americas were “torn away from Europe and Africa … by earthquakes and floods” and went on to say: “The vestiges of the rupture reveal themselves, if someone brings forward a map of the world and considers carefully the coasts of the three [continents].”
While the continents might look like they fit together, and the rock types and ages and fossils match at key points all down the coasts from Canada/Scotland all the way down to South America and South Africa, how on earth (sorry) would you explain how the continents are thousands of miles apart?
One theory posited the earth spinning so fast centrifugal forces ripped ehat would become the moon out of the Pacific, sucking Eurasia and America into the void.
That’s a Randall Monroe WhatIf if ever I saw one. Think of the energy involved! All life on earth would be extinct.
So these theories were laughed out of scientific court. Until Vine and Matthew’s seminal paper on magnetic stripes being mirrored over the mid ocean ridge showed there had to be something forcing the plates apart.
I’m really bothered by this line of thinking.
Just because something “looks” like it is a certain way doesn’t mean it is. For anything to be considered fact there needs to be evidence. The hypothesis that the Earth may have plate tectonics existed decades before it became fact.
This leads people to make connections between completely unrelated things, despite scientists, or professionals working in fields of science (i.e. doctors), saying, and often proving, there is none.
Consider eprime, english without “is”
“Garfield is a cat”: “Garfield belongs to the cat species”.
They had me until this one lmao
Alfred Wagner proposed the idea of plate tectonics decades before this, citing the fit of the continents, the same species of plants and animals on continents separated by ocean, and glacial striations as evidence. The problem was that no one knew HOW the plates separated.
He actually described the continents as scraping across an ancient and immobile seafloor. This was deemed mechanically implausible and contributed greatly to the rejection of Continental Drift. If Al stuck with his detailed phenomenological approach, there may have been wider adoption of his detailed and careful observations.
Well, am geophysicist for 20+ years, and I teach this stuff, but the best source I remember reading is “The Rejection of Continental Drift: Theory and Method in American Earth Science” by Naomi Oreskes.
Me when dabbing on and running circles around the scientists about COVID
This is why when people laugh at me for saying things like trees have concsiousness, and are kinda racist, I dont care. Science needs to catch up to intuition sometimes and Im not good at math so Im not going to be able to prove that tree’s have a rudimentary form of cognition and intention.
Anyways, someone else already proved trees make decisions, cant remember where I read it but a big oak will feed baby oaks via root contact, and will feed certain other trees too, but not as much, because it favours its own species.
“Trees are assholes” - Randy Hickey
https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-13-8922-1 ;)
Happy to share the pdf. Quanta also has a bunch of articles on plant “cognition.” They are very much living, aware beings.
Another fun fact is that some insects are capable of recognizing human faces. Their vision might actually be way better than ours and they’re not all that stupid. It just seems that way because their brains work fundamentally different to ours. Decades of bad science stemming from deeply rooted human supremacism have blinded us to the wonders of the natural world and we’re just starting to unravel all of that.
To be honest, it kind of makes me sad. Is the fresh totatoe I eat alive when I bite it?
Dont tell the vegetarians I guess
Growing things are alive, that’s how they grow.
If it makes you feel better, many plants want their seeds to be eaten so they can be spread. Tomatoes are just a package around the seeds, the green stems are the plants ‘body’. It’s more like eating semen than eating a person.
I can get behind that
Plants release VOCs which is basically their way of screaming. Once I learned about that I immediately looked up how to do photosynthesis.
Trees have consciousness
I mean…
and are kinda racist
Would speciest have suited you better? Obviously trees dont know about our social construct of race
Calling it racism kind of downplays the massive amount of genocide associated with actual racism.
What you explained is more like nepotism, which is rampant among the animal kingdom and beyond.
Im going to avoid saying that in the future, lesson learned
I just want to know how trees have any kind of bias that isn’t directly related to their needs for survival and growth.
Science needs descriptive language, repeatable experiments and people who enjoy putting them together.
The intersection between that and reality is actually quite miniscule.
I love your username, Dr_Satan