I’ve seen several people recommend a soft-bristled brush for dusting off synths, but I’m not sure what’s the best type, material, bristle length, or whatever else might matter. Can anyone recommend a specific brush that works well for this? Preferably something I can buy online or find easily in the US.
A soft brush, the longer the bristles the better. I use one by Befaco but I think that’s a European brand.
Something like this seems ideal to me: https://www.amazon.com/Keyboard-Cleaning-Wooden-Anti-Static-Cleaner/dp/B09YCF4ZHQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=7UL7IU2D4706&keywords=synth+duster&qid=1688285126&sprefix=synth+duster%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-6
Huh, it never crossed my mind that cleaning equipment for electronics should be anti-static. Very obvious in retrospect. Thanks for the unintended tip!
Thanks for the suggestion - I just got it, and it’s so much easier than using a cloth or swiffer duster. I hadn’t thought of looking for anti-static before either. That’s exactly why I wanted to ask for advice instead of just buying a random brush and hoping for the best.
Clean gear is satisfying 😊
I use a generic brush that I stole from my gf’s art supply stash.
I’d say you’ll be fine with whatever soft brush you can find, just make sure it’s brand new and doesn’t have paint residues on it.
Also I guess a broad brush would be better since it covers more area, but a thinner one will get into tight spots more easily.