I’ve seen several people recommend a soft-bristled brush for dusting off synths, but I’m not sure what’s the best type, material, bristle length, or whatever else might matter. Can anyone recommend a specific brush that works well for this? Preferably something I can buy online or find easily in the US.
A soft brush, the longer the bristles the better. I use one by Befaco but I think that’s a European brand.
Something like this seems ideal to me: https://www.amazon.com/Keyboard-Cleaning-Wooden-Anti-Static-Cleaner/dp/B09YCF4ZHQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=7UL7IU2D4706&keywords=synth+duster&qid=1688285126&sprefix=synth+duster%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-6
Huh, it never crossed my mind that cleaning equipment for electronics should be anti-static. Very obvious in retrospect. Thanks for the unintended tip!
Thanks for the suggestion - I just got it, and it’s so much easier than using a cloth or swiffer duster. I hadn’t thought of looking for anti-static before either. That’s exactly why I wanted to ask for advice instead of just buying a random brush and hoping for the best.
Clean gear is satisfying 😊