Sort of reminds me of the story of Boudicca, who famously led the Britons against the Romans and slightly less famously kinda ate shit
I believe they lost the first major engagement to the Romans, as in the first one that wasn’t like cleaning up a town garrison.
They chased a much smaller roman force around for a while, until the Romans basically nestled themselves up against a swamp and some thick trees so they couldnt really be flanked.
The Britons all ran in headfirst into heavy infantry and hit a crowd crush so hard they couldn’t use their short spears, axes, long swords etc, while the Romans just chewed them up with their little swords. There was no ability to flank, they just threw light infantry right up into heavy, in a big funnel. Then when they started to run away they realized they had walled themselves in with their wagon train. The Romans then crushed them against that. They mostly all died and the Romans ruled Britain for a long time after.
Basically this legendary general and leader of the united tribes of Britain could have been consulted by any 15 year old who played some Rome Total War. Just a comically unforced error.
Well if you’re defending a city you can plop 1 or 2 heavy infantry in one of those little streets and hold off like 10 units of anything besides phalanxes or heavier infantry, while your archers get to stand behind and dump their whole quivers into the mess of enemy heads
OK maybe I remember the basics, but I sure was avery slow learner
Like, I remember being genuinely puzzled about why lancers infantry was immune to a cavalry charge
I remember the Mongols getting out of control after conquering a city I holded just because I opened the gates to fight them outside my walls instead of just fucking waiting.
I ain’t kidding, my 16 yo self should have read Soon Zoo
I remember the Mongols getting out of control after conquering a city I holded just because I opened the gates to fight them outside my walls instead of just fucking waiting.
I remember exploiting that with a horribly outnumbered army being sieged in a castle by horse archers: I’d repeatedly sally forth and then just wiggle a unit in and out of the gate to draw the AI into range of the towers and a unit of archers on the wall before closing it again, repeating this until the attacking army had obliterated itself.
From what I understand of history, the Mongols IRL struggled badly with sieges until they were able to kidnap enough skilled siege engineers so the Mongol commanders could delegate. Apparently throughout most of history the surest way to survive a war was to yell “I’M A SIEGE ENGINEER AND I KNOW HOW TO BUILD SIEGE WEAPONS” in as many languages as you could - Your engineering expertise was so valuable you’d always be captured instead of killed and treated pretty well. I mean, shit, that’s out Verner von Braun ended up in the US working for NASA.
Word. Exploiting chokepoints in cities during TW2 in to easy mode.
Fun fact; Washington, DC, was deliberately designed in such a way that cannons could be emplaced to control every major route through the city, while anyone trying to revolt would have no meaningful cover. Apparently when they laid it out they looked at revolts in Europe as an example of what not to do.
Me sieging a city TW:WH2 with Skaven: alright, so first we launch a FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT UP THE WALLS, as a distraction which we will exploit to tear down the walls and launch ANOTHER FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT through the breach, as a distraction while we summon more troops behind the enemy lines, as a distraction. We use these distractions to carry out our real plan: raining down poison gas artillery and gatling gun fire indiscriminately on both the defenders and our own troops.
Sort of reminds me of the story of Boudicca, who famously led the Britons against the Romans and slightly less famously kinda ate shit
I believe they lost the first major engagement to the Romans, as in the first one that wasn’t like cleaning up a town garrison.
They chased a much smaller roman force around for a while, until the Romans basically nestled themselves up against a swamp and some thick trees so they couldnt really be flanked.
The Britons all ran in headfirst into heavy infantry and hit a crowd crush so hard they couldn’t use their short spears, axes, long swords etc, while the Romans just chewed them up with their little swords. There was no ability to flank, they just threw light infantry right up into heavy, in a big funnel. Then when they started to run away they realized they had walled themselves in with their wagon train. The Romans then crushed them against that. They mostly all died and the Romans ruled Britain for a long time after.
Basically this legendary general and leader of the united tribes of Britain could have been consulted by any 15 year old who played some Rome Total War. Just a comically unforced error.
Looks like they’ve learned a lot from Cannae…
Hey mate, I’m old as shit and I have never had any idea of what am I doing when playing TW battles
Well if you’re defending a city you can plop 1 or 2 heavy infantry in one of those little streets and hold off like 10 units of anything besides phalanxes or heavier infantry, while your archers get to stand behind and dump their whole quivers into the mess of enemy heads
OK maybe I remember the basics, but I sure was avery slow learner
Like, I remember being genuinely puzzled about why lancers infantry was immune to a cavalry charge
I remember the Mongols getting out of control after conquering a city I holded just because I opened the gates to fight them outside my walls instead of just fucking waiting.
I ain’t kidding, my 16 yo self should have read Soon Zoo
God any campaign where you were situated in the Levant turned in to a death slog in 1266 when the Mongols showed up.
Horses are really good at climbing walls. The mongols really forced your hand.
“Just a few hundreds horses, I can chase them out easily with my lancers since they are immune to horses”
Roach, staring down at you from above.
I remember exploiting that with a horribly outnumbered army being sieged in a castle by horse archers: I’d repeatedly sally forth and then just wiggle a unit in and out of the gate to draw the AI into range of the towers and a unit of archers on the wall before closing it again, repeating this until the attacking army had obliterated itself.
From what I understand of history, the Mongols IRL struggled badly with sieges until they were able to kidnap enough skilled siege engineers so the Mongol commanders could delegate. Apparently throughout most of history the surest way to survive a war was to yell “I’M A SIEGE ENGINEER AND I KNOW HOW TO BUILD SIEGE WEAPONS” in as many languages as you could - Your engineering expertise was so valuable you’d always be captured instead of killed and treated pretty well. I mean, shit, that’s out Verner von Braun ended up in the US working for NASA.
Word. Exploiting chokepoints in cities during TW2 in to easy mode.
Fun fact; Washington, DC, was deliberately designed in such a way that cannons could be emplaced to control every major route through the city, while anyone trying to revolt would have no meaningful cover. Apparently when they laid it out they looked at revolts in Europe as an example of what not to do.
Me sieging a city TW:WH2 with Skaven: alright, so first we launch a FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT UP THE WALLS, as a distraction which we will exploit to tear down the walls and launch ANOTHER FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT through the breach, as a distraction while we summon more troops behind the enemy lines, as a distraction. We use these distractions to carry out our real plan: raining down poison gas artillery and gatling gun fire indiscriminately on both the defenders and our own troops.
You’re telling me I shouldn’t be ashamed for corner camping?
Camping is bad sportsmanship and excellent strategy.