Me sieging a city TW:WH2 with Skaven: alright, so first we launch a FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT UP THE WALLS, as a distraction which we will exploit to tear down the walls and launch ANOTHER FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT through the breach, as a distraction while we summon more troops behind the enemy lines, as a distraction. We use these distractions to carry out our real plan: raining down poison gas artillery and gatling gun fire indiscriminately on both the defenders and our own troops.
Me sieging a city TW:WH2 with Skaven: alright, so first we launch a FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT UP THE WALLS, as a distraction which we will exploit to tear down the walls and launch ANOTHER FULL SCALE FRONTAL ASSAULT through the breach, as a distraction while we summon more troops behind the enemy lines, as a distraction. We use these distractions to carry out our real plan: raining down poison gas artillery and gatling gun fire indiscriminately on both the defenders and our own troops.