Not a meal - that’s just the burger. $8.30 AUD (5.42usd). Ridiculous.
How in the actual fuck are you all surviving down there? Are you like hunting down the kangaroos for sustenance?
It’s my understanding that kangaroos are plentiful. I’ve had kangaroo meat and it’s pretty tasty, like very lean beef.
Corporate greedflation.
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I buy those dollar store packages of refried beans and rice, and cans of mixed vegetables. I put them in individual containers and freeze them to take to work for lunch. It’s pretty cheap, and it makes me feel a lot fuller than anything I could buy at a convenience store or restaurant.
It’s also vegan and gluten free (I have celiac and severe lactose intolerance)
A thing I have thought of trying is to take a bean and rice mixture and make stuffed peppers with it. I am certain it will be delicious. Certainly better than a ShitChicken.
This sounds really good too!
Also, whenever I cook something like soup or even pasta, I always cook extra so I can freeze it in portions. It’s so much better than paying like $15 for fast food or junk food that’s not even satisfying
I can also very much recommend lentins.
They are good. There’s even pasta made out of lentins. It is gluten free. You use it like ordinary pasta. It’s good.
I’ve had that, and I totally agree!
Kind of hate posts like this. Yes! Inflation is happening and bad. And yes! The McChicken (and a lot of fast food value options) have soared in price in recent years. But trying to take that and frame it as “look at this… it’s so obvious the government is lying to us and overall inflation is actually over 100%” Is just ignorant nonsense and it tends to play into conspiratorial minds who don’t actually have any experience in economics or data collection.
You can hate the federal government all you want. Really. I totally get it. But they are unfortunately really good at data collection.
Give me 5 bees for a quarter
The thing that gets me, is that since 2018, I can confidently say that my wage has not even nearly tripled… It’s barely even ~40% higher, and I’ve been on a fairly steady upward path, but the fucking McChicken has increased by almost triple.
I could not give fewer shits about the numerical prices. It’s the relative price that annoys me. A trip to McDonald’s (or realistically, anywhere) is that much more of a percentage of my paycheque.
And the icing on this shit-filled cake is that productivity has been on a steady incline the entire time. So we’re doing more work, for the same wages, and prices continue to inflate.
Where is it all going? (Isn’t it obvious)
They’re exploiting the fact that they’ve turned humanity into creepy, hopelessly dependent little goblins and it’s horrific to watch.
You’re getting wage increases?
No. I just applied for jobs that paid more.
Eventually I got one.
Not only has the price of the McDonalds hash brown increased, the size portion has decreased.
Used to be you could get two for a dollar, now they’re like three bucks apiece and they don’t even fry 'em right.
$1 in January of 2018 has the same buying power as…$1.24 in December of 2023. “The price of everything” did not increased 100%, it increased 24%.
That also sucks, and you don’t have to lie about it to make your point.
Tell that to all of us paying upwards of 3X as much for many basic goods, including McChickens.
Do you understand what the overall inflation figure means though? You can’t just say “no, that figure about overall inflation in the economy isn’t true, my double whopper supreme is way more than that!!”
Wasn’t Lemmy supposed to be the somewhat “smarter” Reddit where people had taken a basic stats class at some point in their life? I just really don’t get this thinking.
🤔 Oh, I get it. You’re one of “those types.” The type that’ll find any way to dispute anything that tells us something is wrong.
As if the overall inflation figure and other obscure, arcane bullshit changes the fact that a McChicken tripled in price, which is something that deeply and demonstrably affects ALL of our lives whether we eat fast food or not.
Hot take: a McChicken isn’t a basic good.
It is to people who can’t afford anything else or cook for themselves. Like the homeless population you claim to care about.
I am currently telling you that, and your response is to shift from a claim of a 100% increase to a 200% increase which just about proves my point.
Then I’ll spell it out for you: your complaint is moot because what actually matters to people is the price listed in this meme, not blatant attempts at distorting what we can clearly see happening in front of our eyes.
We’re suffering hyperinflation and no amount of dishonesty and manipulation from you is going to change that. You want it to not be true? Petition McDonald’s to lower their prices.
In 2018 I’m pretty sure junior chickens were 1.89… they are 3.89 now, that’s double the price.
One fast food chain might have increased the price of one sandwich, that doesn’t mean “the price of everything” has “at least” doubled. The price of everything weighed together has increased 24%. We monitor these things scientifically and consistently across time to get as accurate a number as is possible.
You can’t refute that by extrapolating the price of one sandwich from one chain in one cherry picked time frame.
Personally I charge people double for me to give a fuck these days so I’d say there’s two sandwiches to worry about.
Yeah that 24% may very well be true for the average of “the price of everything”, but food is definitely closer to a 100% increase, so especially people with lower income will be closer to experiencing inflation of up to a hundred percent and not “just” 24.
Of course, it’s cheaper to cook at home. But the McChicken is, like the whole industry that is to blame for it’s existance, a serious threat to our physical health and thus to be avoided at any cost.
The only way to get decent prices is through the app, and even then, it’s really hit or miss.
Over a lifetime it’s more economical to not eat any fast food.
The fast food you eat on a regular basis early on in life just degrades your health later on in life when you will spend money trying to remedy. You will pay for that fast food twice, once when you eat it and again later on life when you pay to treat your heart, weight, circulation, blood and inflammation.
Eating fast food is investing in having some terrible last years of your life … you may live long but if you’re not healthy now, you’ll spend the last ten or 20 years of your life miserable.
and this is why we micro farm and raise chickens.
Food at home: something way worse in every possible way.
If your food at home is worse, you should blame the chef.
How come? Haven’t you ever cooked on your own before?
Bro literally just toss some things in a pot, fry it up, add water, and simmer until it tastes nice
your home cooking sucks because you want it to suck
Nah, my choices are very limited due to the Hungarian kitchen…😥
No better, healthier, tastier, more
The gaslighting bothers me the most. “The soft landing worked! The economy is great! Look at all these jobs!” Are they good jobs? Do they pay enough to live? Why has the price of everything gone up so much? It’s eerie being lied to on such a massive scale like this. Very much a superb example of “don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining.”
The CPI is not the economy, the stock market is not the economy, wages and unemployment are not the economy, there is no one measure that effectively captures what’s happening with the economy.
This exactly, and the people making policy are so far out of touch that they don’t even have a friend of a friend that’s as impacted as we are by this insane inflation.
Worst thing is, we weren’t getting cost of living increases before inflation went batshit.
It’s purposeful. The system is collapsing and the only option they have is to lie to people to convince them to continue participating.
I wonder how much of this is the fault of food delivery apps. I’ve heard multiple people who run a small restaurant or food cart complaining that those apps as part of their terms/contract wouldn’t let you price up your menu items in-app to cover the % cut they take. during pandemic when app orders become the majority of your business, it makes sense to price up the items to include uber’s cut across the board and just incorporate it into your cost model.
This dudes reference is literally a capitalist giant bullshit product with completely imaginary prices.
Like, McDumb raising random prices is no clear indication of inflation. Rice, noodles and stuff are