The gaslighting bothers me the most. “The soft landing worked! The economy is great! Look at all these jobs!” Are they good jobs? Do they pay enough to live? Why has the price of everything gone up so much? It’s eerie being lied to on such a massive scale like this. Very much a superb example of “don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining.”
The CPI is not the economy, the stock market is not the economy, wages and unemployment are not the economy, there is no one measure that effectively captures what’s happening with the economy.
This exactly, and the people making policy are so far out of touch that they don’t even have a friend of a friend that’s as impacted as we are by this insane inflation.
Worst thing is, we weren’t getting cost of living increases before inflation went batshit.
The gaslighting bothers me the most. “The soft landing worked! The economy is great! Look at all these jobs!” Are they good jobs? Do they pay enough to live? Why has the price of everything gone up so much? It’s eerie being lied to on such a massive scale like this. Very much a superb example of “don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining.”
The CPI is not the economy, the stock market is not the economy, wages and unemployment are not the economy, there is no one measure that effectively captures what’s happening with the economy.
This exactly, and the people making policy are so far out of touch that they don’t even have a friend of a friend that’s as impacted as we are by this insane inflation.
Worst thing is, we weren’t getting cost of living increases before inflation went batshit.
It’s purposeful. The system is collapsing and the only option they have is to lie to people to convince them to continue participating.