Pulse SMS App for Android recently updated to include:
New “Discover” Section: Find new offers, inspiring content, articles & more
On a messaging app, really??? Who wants any of those features when trying to message someone?
wow pulse used to be great. did luke sell? i remember he open sourced it in 2020 but the repo seems to be gone: https://github.com/klinker-apps/pulse-sms-android
edit: huh looks like they got bought in oct. 2020. https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/10/29/it-looks-like-pulse-sms-has-been-bought-by-maple-media-get-ready-for-intrusive-ads/
(there is another repo here https://github.com/jarvanh/pulse-sms-android but i’m not sure how official it is)
As a former product manager where the CEO led the sales team, I feel seen.
More than likely, if it’s a publicly traded company, it’s the shareholders and the board of directors.
The board’s job is to hire the CEO and demand good value for shareholders. The CEO’s job is to make the big decisions to achieve that goal quickly and then usually leave before their short term thinking falls apart. The manager’s job is to enforce whatever decisions the CEO makes, even if it is stupid or cruel. And the employee’s job is to suffer so that each layer above can look good to the layer above them.
Not to say there’s no good people in the system. My manager for most of my time there was actually a good manager who felt that his primary job was to deflect away the shit that rolled down from above so we could focus on our work, but then he got laid off along with half my coworkers.
I do miss writing software, but I really don’t miss working in the corporate world.
vim stories when
We already have tinder like for vscode: https://github.com/benawad/vsinder
Now we need github for lesbians.
CEOs changed the game completely after one of them played spiderman 2.
warning: the story might change the way you think how some developers are treated across the world.
for a full documentary, see this YouTube video(in German, but you can turn on the subtitles)I don’t know if the game is the best example of busineses making top-down design decisions, since that game was an obvious scam from the start.
you’re right. perhaps a better example would be YouTube suggesting videos by colour?
I never saw that, that’s legitimately funny. I’d love to be in the room when that feature was designed, and the reaction of the developer it was handed too.
Com’on guys lets all give out our Calculator handlers
That would be a better app for it
Either a ton of math tutorials or the calculator says boobs
This is how smart shuffle was born on spotify. No one wants that useless shit.
My favorite is menstruation calendars with friend lists. My least favorite is when my gynecologist wants to hang out only a week out of the month.
You don’t understand! If you don’t keep adding new features, people will stop using your app!
Who wants simple apps that just work as intended, am I right?
Stories of 80085, thanks.
the cursed postimage
If you ever feel useless just remember somebody designed and implemented the share-to-facebook feature on porn sites.
That isn’t there so people use it. That is there so that Facebook can track where you go
Course they only need a 1px by 1px image for that right?
Shoutout Facebook Container for Firefox, or Firefox if you’re still using a browser that’s killing the open web 😉
At this point both of these guys are saying “I have seen horrible things”
They’re both the same guy, just one’s wearing a hat