saying something this edgy does not absolve you of bigotry

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    1 year ago

    For what it’s worth, I’m part of a communist org that’s about 1/3 POC, and nobody in our group says this kind of stuff and we’d probably find it extremely weird and off-putting if someone did.

  • Egon [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying. It’s desperate, it’s sad, and they all end up saying “no I don’t actually mean kill all white people I mean to critique the concept of whiteness” THEN DO THAT MOTHERFUCKER INSTEAD OF WRITING THE SAME TIRED JOKE took-restraint
    You’re not critiquing anything by making an ironic call for genocide. Critique the concept of whiteness then, and do it in a provocative way.
    Most don’t even mean to do that, they just hate racism or whatever, but they know that’s a dumbass thing to write, because who doesn’t hate racism, so instead they write something that will give them validation.
    The worst post so far was the skiing one. Motherfucker you’re talking about rich people, not white people.

    Also this type of post comes around every few months, and this is the first time I haven’t seen people make unironic actual calls for white genocide - as in “yes actually I think we should kill all people that are classified as white. I think actual genocide is good when it’s against white people” - so at least that’s something.
    I think this type of post helps reinforce to people that they can say and think what they want with no need for introspection, because they’re “leftist” so they obviously have the rigjt opinion and they therefore never need to stop and consider wether they’re doing something fucked up.

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          The two big ones in the early days were over transphobic users and veganism. We’ve had a no tolerance policy for transphobia this whole time and that was kind of whiplash for early users. Lots of people with unexamined reactionary views who weren’t used to strict guidelines on how to talk about trans stuff. A lot of them were against pronouns in user profiles.

          But the absolute legends will always be outdoor cats and rock stacking next to rivers

              • Egon [they/them]
                1 year ago

                Expert on rehabilitation of water streams made an effort post (and then several very patient replies) about how stacking rocks is harmful.

                Bunch of users freaked out, as if their life depended on rock-stacking. They tried to rules lawyer how close to a water stream you had to be, for it to be bad. They pulled the old “indigenous people do it!!!” defense. They tried to argue that the user was making an individualist argument and thus a capitalist and wrong. They tried to argue that “they just couldn’t see how it was bad, so the expert on water stream rehabilitation is wrong and/or overreacting”. They tried to play it off as “well it’s not bad that i do it” despite having had explained how in this very specific situation, it was actually an individual problem and something they also should not do as individuals.
                People brought up “take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but treadmarks” (basic how-to-not-be-a-dickhead-in-nature-etiquette) which these users also then freaked out about.
                A lot of these users were power users on the site and their reaction and subsequent attempts to rules lawyer and then attempts at playing it off as a bit/something silly was very disappointing to see and it therefore still frustrates me, because they behave as if it was totally just everybody overreacting, and not them being beliggerent assholes, for which they should apologise.

                Consensus was that stacking rocks disrupts water streams and does a lot of weird shit for microorganisms, soil, erosion, bugs, that sort of stuff, so touching rocks is bad and stacking them is worse. Can’t recall more than that, but basically: Things in streams are used to rocks not moving about a lot, and they are so used to it, that even just a widdle bit of rock-moving-about done by an individual, is very harmful.
                I have no idea wether they should be knocked over or not, but I would assume so, since the wind probably does it otherwise. I dunno about that, not the expert.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    1 year ago

    white people can’t help but fantasize about genocide even when it’s to themselves

    but on a serious note I think for some users it crosses into suicidal ideation and that makes me very uncomfortable

    • tropicalislandvisiter [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah cause if you say stuff like that around right wingers they’ll just say you’re doing reverse racism. And if you say it around liberals they’ll say it’s too violent and uncivil. It’s an insult that only works on people who already agree with you.

      And even if people understand rationally that it’s jokes, it’s not actually racist, etc., in their heart of hearts it feels like they’re unwanted even in their own niche online political subculture that they’ve alienated everything else in life to fit into. And since most of us are in the west there’s little actual movement to be a part of, so it is just alienating and lonely. That’s the only reason this website exists.

      If people don’t fit in with normal people in their lives and they don’t fit in even in the weird niche they have left, what’s left? And the response is who cares about white tears, why prejudice the comfort of white people over liberation for oppressed minorities. Which makes sense…but it making sense doesn’t make you not feel bad about it.

      Obviously the real answer is to not care at all about anything anyone posts online. Because it’s all fake and silly. I don’t know anyone here. But if it’s okay to make jokes about the mayocide, I should be allowed to joke about starting it locally on myself

  • On a non edgy note, being white but having class consciousness and being anti racist in cracker town USA sucks. The shit white people say to you that they think is acceptable is insane. It’s like the power and privilege just poisons their souls. Whiteness as an institution/class, whatever it is, legit needs to be destroyed.

    • Raebxeh [they/them]
      1 year ago

      And, at the end of the day, I am conserving all my hatred for the moment when I personally blow away mr-beast during the revolution.

      I missed this storyline in your game but welcome it with open arms

    • whatup [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      But when you call someone who’s open to leftism but doesn’t have a complete understanding of things a “cracker”, for example, you put them down in a way that they usually perceive as intensely bigoted, to the degree that they will stop listening to every single thing you say after that.

      White people who are that sensitive are never going to take someone who’s black, mixed, etc. seriously in the first place. Calling them a cracker is the funnier option ´cos at least you get to see them fume.

  • GaveUp [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I agree, it’s incredibly self serving and you’re not fooling anybody

    I bet many other POC feel the same as me but I rarely even complain about white people here because I know it’s like 90% white so it’s just an audience that could never empathize with what I’m saying

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I bet many other POC feel the same

      I don’t, I enjoy making white jokes

      I don’t straight up advocate violence though (but I will always upvote a white comrade doing it to themselves, because it’s funny)

    • SerLava [he/him]
      1 year ago

      most people HERE specifically are probably doing it to signify either that it’s funny, or that they aren’t silently brooding, or to make fun of the lemmy people taking it seriously. It’s more like a “har har” than going doe-eyed and slowly nodding like “yeah no, I know, I know, actually my partner and I decided against having children because white supremacy is…”

      ymmv for other groups of people

  • Carguacountii [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    its a Usian thing I think, you’ve got a peculiar and unresolved relationship with so-called ‘race’ - your government still subscribes to racial theory in its administrative definitions. The arguments tend to be different (more pertinent to the issues) in other countries, and in ‘non-white’ US.

    of course, color is an aesthetic argument, and it isn’t an intrinsic property of a thing or person (and ‘white’ is indisputably a type of color). And aesthetic arguments, like the debates about ‘taste’ when it comes to media or consumption, are somewhat pointless. I think people argue about aesthetics when they’ve got no other pressing concerns, which isn’t a bad thing per se, just unrelatable to people who do have those pressing concerns.

    obviously, this is a US website (like most websites) so its to be expected that you have these kind of discussions, and hyperbole is a natural aspect of that. But really, it might be good to remember to be somewhat internationalist, and be aware that attitudes/understandings toward terminology, and also to so-called ‘race’ aren’t universal. These kind of discussions, on this topic, are very insular.

    I don’t mean to criticise, I can see where the sides are coming from and why the arguments happen like they do here. But really, it makes no sense to say ‘white people’, referring to a kind of construct, outside of the US (and probably inside parts of the US). People will just read it as the skin color, or a proxy for or reference to ‘racial theory’.

    It would be better, and more accurate I think, to refer to yourselves (the ‘white people’ of the US) as European settler-colonists, since that’s what you are. 400 years isn’t that long at all - line 5-10 people up in space, and its not much at all, line them up in time/generations and you get 400 years.

    Really, in the sense of a paradigm of understanding the world around us, leftism is a religion, albeit a generally atheistic/untheistic one like some east Asian ‘religions’/philosophies (you can see its origins and similarities in other religious movements like the Hussites for example or the Zaydi Islam). So its to be expected that self-flagellation occurs. But self-flagellation is just self-indulgence - maybe useful for some, but not for the many.

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I’m not white and I think it’s a good thing, because 90% of white people go pigmask-off when you actually start talking about eurocentrism, physical material, and the fact that their special snowflake status didn’t materialize out of thin air or the “superior quality of their spirit” or some other euromystical witchcraft shit dressed up as pseudoscience, but rather from the fact that they lucked out by finding two megacontinents of free shit

    If a white person is unbothered by some racial self-flagellation it’s a good indicator that they don’t have a massive ego based on vicariously identifying with their race, AKA are “one of the good ones” (And let’s be honest, there’s a lot, a looooot of bad ones out there, some very bad hombres!)

    Also, the entire rest of the english-speaking internet is filled with racist jokes about every other race EXCEPT white people, and you get censored/downvoted/banned if you ever do make such jokes about the crackers (even if they’re really objectively funny, I got mass downvoted for making a joke about the “mayo clinic” for example)

    so yes making fun of white people is good. I am not white.

    • Egon [they/them]
      1 year ago

      so yes making fun of white people is good. I am not white.

      I agree.
      “Kill all white people” is a frequent refrain. Please explain the joke to me.

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        well it’s only funny if a white person says it

        the comedic value being that they’re so impossible that even “their own kind” are sick of them

        Sorry if that struck anyone as racist, but white people told me that I’m not physically capable of being racist, and who am I to argue with lord cracker

        • Egon [they/them]
          1 year ago

          I don’t get the joke.
          A white person saying “kill all white people” seems like a cry for help, they’re asking to be killed. What’s the joke?

    • blakeus12 [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      i agree in a lot of ways, but as comrade RedQuestionAsker said there’s a line between making fun of the concept of whiteness, not identifying it, mocking people who do and sometimes people who dont. but that’s entirely seperate from this imo. i think that “let’s genocide all of the white people” crosses that line

      but yeah you’re right.

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    They’re not particularly valuable posts

    If hexbears wanna express their frustrations with racism or white supremacy I think it’s fair to give them a platform to vent, but self-flagellation doesn’t really do anything

  • niph [she/her]
    1 year ago

    As a poc I hate seeing these jokes because I worry that the poster thinks this is what poc actually want and are “aligning” in some misguided way with us, which just feeds into the “hur hur what if whites were a minority they would be treated just as badly as today’s minorities” nonsense from the chuds

    Did that paragraph make any sense I just woke up