saying something this edgy does not absolve you of bigotry

  • Egon [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying. It’s desperate, it’s sad, and they all end up saying “no I don’t actually mean kill all white people I mean to critique the concept of whiteness” THEN DO THAT MOTHERFUCKER INSTEAD OF WRITING THE SAME TIRED JOKE took-restraint
    You’re not critiquing anything by making an ironic call for genocide. Critique the concept of whiteness then, and do it in a provocative way.
    Most don’t even mean to do that, they just hate racism or whatever, but they know that’s a dumbass thing to write, because who doesn’t hate racism, so instead they write something that will give them validation.
    The worst post so far was the skiing one. Motherfucker you’re talking about rich people, not white people.

    Also this type of post comes around every few months, and this is the first time I haven’t seen people make unironic actual calls for white genocide - as in “yes actually I think we should kill all people that are classified as white. I think actual genocide is good when it’s against white people” - so at least that’s something.
    I think this type of post helps reinforce to people that they can say and think what they want with no need for introspection, because they’re “leftist” so they obviously have the rigjt opinion and they therefore never need to stop and consider wether they’re doing something fucked up.