I know I’m a downer sometimes, but those
“Roll to shake hands with the captain of the guard. [Nat 1] You slap him in the face. You’re all arrested”
annoy me to no end. The point of rolling is to simulate the possibility of failure for difficult tasks, not for everything you ever do
I’ll admit that I’ve had my players do those kind of rolls from time to time. It’s usually either when they’re doing something with no consequences that can have a comedic moment or they choose to do something so far in left field that I almost feel the need to ask them to roll.
All in all though those dumb rolls have led to a lot of comedic moments that my players enjoy so I think a big part is how it’s used
Well, if you can’t beat the Level 1 DC, I don’t think you should attempt to climb the rope. https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=554
Maybe the rope isn’t a level 1 challenge, though. Maybe it’s level 0, or level -1?
Or maybe is not a levelled challenge at all, innwhich case you need to be using a simple DC, not a levelled one.
You guys clearly forgot how hard it was to get up that rope in gym class.
Nah, we know it’s hard. But if failure has no consequence in a given scene, then why not skip over and just assume it was done?