Why yes let’s deforest the side of a mountain so we can run down it and possibly hit trees at fatal speeds. Im fucking glad climate change is making this bougie bullshit harder to do. I went skiing once, horrible experience. Everyone in the skiing lodge was a rich white asshole and it felt like I walked into a country club, no a hitler youth recreation club. If you own a timeshare let alone an entire house at a ski resort you deserve the fucking wall!!!
unlike golf its a manner of conveyance so its weird to say its ‘bourgeois’ if theres people that just do it to get around snowy areas. the big resorts are great cancers on the landscape and society of the mountain though. rich assholes buy up all the property and all the required peons are immiserated having to make long dangerous commutes from adjacent towns or semi-indentured on-location
I hope you’re not implying that there’s anything redeemable about skiing.
It’s a good means for traversing snowy terrain?
This would only be a defense of cross country skiing though.
i dont think theres a problem if someone got out some skis to go somewhere around their snow-bound community instead of snow shoes. you decide if that’s applicable to the redemption of the “sport” ig
Should isolated mountain town communities even exist though that necessitate such means of travel? Like why the fuck should anyone be living in Tahoe, Aspen, ect?
Hexbear when someone lives outside of an urban center:
A lot of mountain towns used to be mining communities. Colorado and Montana used to be hotbeds for the IWW.
The youth yearn for the mines moment. Mining is a shitty job and not a suitable industry to build a city off of.
What does this have to do with what I said?
Uh, some of the biggest non-coastal cities in the world were built around mining.
And how sustainable is this industry? Under a planned economy mines would be phased out, all those mining towns, the people relocated into the city, retrained to clean toilets or something. Mining towns should be abandoned not turned into tourist traps.
mining is perfectly sustainable provided the thing they’re digging up is valued/prioritized high enough. thing about closed mines is they’re never actually “picked clean”, they’re picked to the extent that labor & technology made it profitable at the time. in the USSR mining continued, and the miners got better working conditions & more vacation time. they also didn’t have to worry about the price of bauxite falling a cent & having to close the mine.
but mining towns actually should have a sustained presence afterward because mine-holes leak and require remediation for decades, which is more manageable with some leftover infrastructure
Idk why you took my comment as a defense of the mining industry I was just pointing out why there are towns out in bumfuck mountainous areas.
But I would point out, 1) full communism is a ways off and until then we’re probably gonna have to keep mining shit. It ain’t like China doesn’t haven’t any mines.
And 2) there’s still a lot of infrastructure in rural areas that requires some people live out there and those people generally want actual communities to live in not work camps, so I think this idea a lot of leftists have where we can clear out the entire country save for like 5 or 6 cyberpunk mega cities and make everything else a giant nature reserve isn’t really as viable as most people think, least not in any near future
A lot of those isolated mountain communities serve railways, at least they do in Canada. Jasper has a busy railyard and there’s main line that goes right by Banff. Same with a bunch in BCs interior.
uhh there’s normal towns in mountains. stuff like pastoralists, high-altitude agriculture, mines, forestry, without getting into any modern tourist/recreation bs