The plans to start a commune hit hard.
Great bit
folk punk hate? on my hexbear? some of you have never passed out face down in a boxcar forty in both hands and it shows
(on another note, we don’t have normal emojis anymore? i need my little guy blowing air out his nostrils)
folk punk hate? on my hexbear?
Folk punk struggle session let’s fucking goooooo
oh no
are we really
guess im gonna have to start posting on my phone
Or press windows key plus period if on a windows machine. Or the fn/global key on a Mac
i can’t get it to work. my computer is also breaking down though. Need to buy a new laptop but don’t want to deal with it
I always find it funny that people will say how folk punk or ska killed their whole family and farted on their dog, then listen to something x1000 worse like Weezer. (I have been listening largely to The Taxpayers for the past few days and I am admittedly severely depressed.)
The first concert I ever went to was Weezer.
The first concert I ever went to willingly was AJJ with Jeffrey Lewis opening.
they were eliminated because they were blamed in part for nobody knowing you could use that emoji picker to search for our custom emotes I think. I wouldn’t mind having them back but its good to have custom emotes pop up first for sure. Could make a c/feedback post
“I sleep in a rusted out CNT/FAI armoured car. I wear a red and black bandana everywhere and I haven’t smiled since the Haymarket Martyrs died. I’m a normal person and people like me”
I see we’ve been to the same IWW meetings.
The dysphoria of being told you look similar to a liberal is too real, especially if it’s a politician.
Wingnut Dishwashers Union
middle school battle of the bands ass name
I literally had to look it up to see if this was a bit that name is so dumb.
who fuckkng cares it’s called whimsy
My twee ass sitting here like
Whimsy is objectively the worst vibe
No vibes are “objectively the worst” because everything that flows from a human mind without reproducing reactionary thought is enough. Putting arbitrary limitations on the art one has to produce, or trying to coerce other’s art into these little corners of what is “cool” or “not cringe”, is the root cause of the more “intellectual” forms of cringe culture and the numerous sacrifical trash of the week rage bait right wing youtuber content mills.
People on the internet in general need to learn that, while it’s perfectly fine to dislike something, not vibe with it, whatever, that that doesn’t make it “bad” and even if saying it’s “bad” isn’t meant in any sort of “objective” way, it still reproduces and reinforces a culture of self-policed expression, of masking.
Lots of critiques people make on the internet of things other than music still work because it always consists of something other than just “it’s bad”. It’s always, “oh, this reproduces this ideology I don’t like”, or “oh, it doesn’t make sense because of this plot hole”. But because any sort of similar trait in music can be equally desirable for another person as it is repugnant for the one pointing it out, you can’t really do this with music, unless you’re critiquing lyrics or a music video specifically.
I don’t see any room for calling music (or it’s titles) good or bad beyond mean-spirited bullying, which yes, can be good, if it’s reactionary music. Punk isn’t, well, most of the time.
The fact of the matter is that this is just objectively wrong, and plenty of people like “whimsical” things, and plenty of people DESPISE “whimsical” things, and plenty of people just don’t care, and that’s going to be a thing with any vibe or aesthetic until the sun boils over.
You’re absolutely correct about everything except the things you’re wrong about.
Thank you I knew I was always right about those things
you’re literally right
Legitimately one of the best of all time to yell over guitar chords, though.-
y’know i’ve seen the same band
so many dozens of times
but with dozens of different names
across dozens of different state lines
and I won’t always admit it
but I think that the world’s better off with them in it
so if we’re pickin sides
i guess that i’m am for every shitty three-chord high school punk band
lmfao this is clearly fake but funny as hell. All he needed to insert was an unrelated rant about an AES country and I could believe this is a real anarchist.
when it’s her turn to wake up at 6am and water the chickens
if youuuuuuu think getting up early to take care of the homestead is a “taking turns” kind of thing, you might not be a redneck
It’s nice that people have the idea of equity in mind when describing an idealized work structure, but it’s a constant negotiation and ought to be.
I wasn’t describing an ideal work structure, just a reality if you have a homestead and two people living on it
Oh no, I agree. They’re your chores or the other persons chores until someone gets too overwhelmed to handle it then they fall to the other person until the same thing happens again like one of those giant rotating pendulums swinging around knocking the dominos down in slow motion.
Yep with only 2 people both are getting up early to get to work.
also if you think you need to wake up early to get your chickens water lmao
Yeah “watering the chickens” is the least of your worries on a small farm. Literally just put a bucket of water in there for them and swap it out for clean water every once and a while. There’s a hundred other more pressing tasks
Yes, breakup with your gf, and marry the chicken instead.
bad praxis on the part of the italian political discord to not check the files their sharing with antivirus
NTA, your chickens your rules
god tier bit
She should dump him for liking folk punk
what is wrong with hexbear users and punk? actually, scratch that, what’s wrong with them and music in general? can’t go a single second mentioning a band or something without someone shitting out their own random take about music as if it’s a gift from God themself.
you come onto the Posters Instance, and complain about people posting about one of the most postable topics in existence
It’s not the posting, it’s the posting as if your post is somehow objective fact
like “i dont like this genre” is a normal and fair thing that people say, but “this genre is BAD” is a weird way to put it
You can interpret through context cues whether a statement is an opinion or a fact without someone pointing it out as a disclaimer. If I say ‘the red hot chili peppers suck’, it should be pretty easy to figure out its a subjective statement because whether or not music is bad is inherently subjective and you can tell its just my opinion because I’m the one who said it. No one is ever stating that these are demonstrable facts because that would be impossible so even if somehow that is what they mean it can’t possibly be true and must therefore be a statement of their opinion despite their intent and should be treated as such.
Also folk punk sucks.
My gripes are personal. I’ve lost all my high school friend to folk punk, not that they died from it, (those were people I met later) they just started dressing like Peter pan and calling themselves stuff like Feather and Navi and starting bands called Drop Out/Fall in Love and Buy Nothing Life despite being recent high school graduates with swimming pools cause at the end of the day they were just upper class band geeks. Punk is loud and noisy rock n roll that gives you permanent hearing loss from basement shows. Punk is about wearing studs and having cool hair.
“Real Punk” only consists of the nyc/london Classic Punk scene and the 80’s hardcore scene and its descendants. What is known by “Folk Punk” is nothing but Folk music with questionable real punk influence. When people try to argue that bands like Billy Bragg are not real punk, while saying that Johnny Hobo is, I can’t help not to cringe because they are just as fake punk as Billy Bragg (plus the adolescent cringe). Real punk sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake punk is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL PUNK are Amebix, Catharsis, Blackbird Raum (the only real punk band from the folk punk scene) and Man is the Bastard. Some examples of FAKE PUNK are Pat the Bunny, Chris Burrows and Defiance, Ohio PUNK BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO FOLK, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE
Folk punk is truly a fate worse than death
No, It’s consistently treated as fact and used as a way to ridicule and attack people. Not in this thread, but previous ones.
A person can speak an opinion objectively and it’s still an opinion. It’s a very very common use of speech. That doesn’t mean it isn’t inherently an opinion, if you respond to an opinionative statement as if it were factual I’d say that’s more on the respondent. If someone is stating an opinion factually and making bild statements around it, they could in fact be using hyperbole. This is all really normal forms of communication thst as soon as people log on they lose the ability to parse.
Im not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying that a lot of (other to be honest because it’s not really present here) times I’ve seen people then take that opinion and then start attacking or demeaning for instance, people who like what they said they dislike. I’m talking about music here specifically, not Treat Discourse.
I am somewhat disconnected from the whole thing because I have a hard time really, like, genuinely finding genres bad. There’s probably something out there I dislike but calling it “bad” gives me bad feelings, because I’m constantly aware of the fact that other people can have different tastes, and have had my tastes change dramatically, so I could just end up accidentally implying I have bad taste later in life or something.
the Posters Instance
Got some news for you pal
shitting on things is funny? idk
I have no strong opinions but I dont think that happens here much more than anywhere else online
The amount of time I spend with this community correlates with how different from other places online I perceive it to be. It’s waxed and waned over the last 6 or so years, but lately I feel like I’m biding my time until someone enthusiastically different (better) than the rest of the Internet comes along
I like it here, but I don’t go on the rest of the internet basically at all so I have less and less frame of reference these days.
Gift from God are trash
deleted by creator
I like folk punk. Feather River Canyon blues is like one of my favorite albums.
Listen to Anti Cimex instead
We’re talking about music.
No, we’re talking about punk
Came here to say this
ITT people who don’t even own a single Discloae split 7"
Folk Punk: “Yeah so my dad is a venture capitalist and he bought me a banjo”
Imagine the worst house show you’ve ever been to
“This song’s called ‘I Hate My Life But Live My Friends’”
Friends: cheer
Everyone else: silent
*unintentionally muted or randomly sttummed too hard acoustic guitar *
The only thing you could hope for at that point is some sweaty old d-beat fucks taking the stage
Eh, we’ve got good not old dude punk bands, it’s very Japanese noise weebshit which to me seems like an excuse to bring Street Punk back but either call it UK 82 or add pedals and call it a day. It’s been boring as fuck lately.
Lmao look at us: We’re the “whatever you dang kids are doing you’re doing it wrong even if it’s good” guys now.
after the demise of /r/cth, /r/folkpunk became the Only Good Subreddit
Fair, r/banjo was less racist than, but then that subreddit went private. :/
These sound like two very annoying people, I hope for everyone else’s sake, they work it out
Any cool gf would be asking bf to play Pat’s Johnny Hobo stuff when he was still a nihilist