It’s annoying.
Yes, I’ve blocked it now. But why was it created in the first place? What do people get out of it?
But why was it created in the first place?
somebody thought it was a good idea to feed their
instead of cleansing them.
It’s just a really bad joke that sometimes strays into irony so poisonous that it’s indistinguishable from wrecker behavior.
The comm would be a million times funnier if it just had CNN articles lol
it’s a containment comm for a single redditor
A bit gone way to far. Just block it. Otherwise you’ll get a bunch of salty redditors commenting skill issue or some stupid shit. It’s toxic.
Just block it.
did we all collectively forget about the idea of a missing stair?
melina containment
oh the person they won’t ban for ban evasion?
Posting the most controversial comment and 2nd most top comment
The dream of every poster
Getting Melina banned
Honestly, it had potential, but the quality of the posts are too low effort to be funny.
You want to know what good “fake news” posts could look like, check out The Onion.
Because its funny
that comment belongs in fakenews
It’s for everyone to test the “Block community” button.
I think we should repurpose it to become a disinformation center. It’d be an archive of fake news screenshots or memes from a liberal and conservative POV to spread around the internet.
For example, making some meme about the RAND corporation being loyal to Russia because they said peace talks with the Houthis will be better than bombing them. Then spreading them around with fake neoliberal accounts.
Why should 4chan and the CIA and neoliberal teenagers be the only ones spreading disinformation? So many of us are already terminally online. At the very least we should use that time to do the same things as our enemies. The effectiveness will be limited because we don’t have millionaire beneficiaries, but we just need to be lucky once.
I had it blocked for some time now, but ive often wondered the same. Was it supposed to be a jockerfied /theonion?
Its a bit something. I dont like it but I’m too dumb to elucidate why.
Mods should let me test an ai posting botnet on it.
This website is named Hexbear because of a random picture of a bear that some people saw at the time. Forcing jokes is built in to the site
Forcing jokes is built in to the site
You had a chance to do some self-reflection and instead you doubled down…
the bear is cool
google “satire”
i did, and it sounds like that’s not the purpose of the com.
“Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize”
I’m not sure why you put that in quotes like you are citing some tome of great knowledge. It’s an unattributed quote from tumblr. It means nothing.
I think fakenews is funny and it is labeled a joke. It says fake in the name.
mr tumblr is helping me find my clarity of purpose
holy hell