People call left wing podcast discourse to be terminally online but god damn how did these right wing become such soyboys crying about shooting at ones and zeros.
I hope someone makes a game where if you shoot a cop in the game, a cop magically dies irl.
Unethical against what system of ethics? Ethics are a system or morally based policy and is generally applied to a professional field. These geeks always use the term ‘unethical’ as a substitute for ‘immoral’ which is what they really mean, but ‘immoral’ is an individual value jusgement and subjective where ‘unethical’ implies a pre established code of ethics that wasn’t followed and is an objective statement. So they’re using the wrong word to make their opinions seem like facts.
Maybe they think video game writers signed a code of ethics, maybe even an industry wide one!
They either know what they’re doing or are just bad with words. They’re commonly turned into synonyms, and it bugs me cause of what I posted above. Not knowing about words makes you more susceptible to propaganda, knowing the precise meanings of words let’s you know how dumb marketing is
To quote every chud circa 2014: “It’s about ethics in video game journalism”
I think that’s where they started using the word wrong all the time or deceptively. Although in this case the deception is in the entire premise, they’d be using the words ethics correctly if the whole sentence wasn’t a lie.
Also ‘morals’ and ‘ethics’ are used interchangeably in general too often, being a linguistic percrisriptivist is always gonna be a lost battle, but I don’t like when a language evolves to lose words or to make two words synonyms when they weren’t before. Like precise word choices because I know precisely what is being said, don’t be a vibes based language any more than necessary
I mean, prescriptivism in technical terminology is good IMO. We need consistent definitions to discuss technical subjects, and people who study and discuss the technical subjects should be familiar with the prescribed definitions. Like, you’ll have a difficult time understanding theory if you think “materialism” is used as “driven to acquiring material goods”
In general conversation, prescriptivism is shit and should be avoided