Note that the USA is not a member of the International Criminal Court. And in 2002, the USA passed The American Service-Members’ Protection Act (known informally as the “Hague Invasion Act”), wherein the USA authorized itself to order military action (including invading the Netherlands where the Hague is located) to protect and free Americans and their allies (including Israel) from custody. It’s why George W Bush doesn’t fear ICC consequences for his war crimes.
Edit: I originally had the title as “South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice (colloquially known as ‘The Hague’ to go after Israel” but SoyViking provided me with education in the comments on why this is not entirely accurate, as well as elucidated some important distinctions between the ICJ and ICC:
Sorry for being a nerd but the International Court of Justice, while also being situated in the Hague, is a different body than the International Criminal Court, which is colloquially called the Hague.
The ICJ dates back to the League of Nations and adjudicates international law disputes between sovereign states, meaning that only states can be parties in cases heard by the ICJ. Their ability to actually enforce their rulings are limited and it is completely possible for states, especially those of the International Community, to go “no that’s bollocks” and ignore their decisions.
The ICC is a much more recent invention. They adjudicate criminal cases against individuals. Their actual powers are more tangible than those of the ICJ. If the ICC issues an arrest warrant against someone there’s a decent chance that member states of the ICC will actually arrest that individual and extradite them to the Hague. Once there, people who are convicted actually goes to real jail. This is also the reason for the American “Hague Invasion Act” that is an explicit threat that if an American war criminal is extradited to the ICC, the evil empire will invade the Netherlands to break him out of jail.
Sorry for being a nerd but the International Court of Justice, while also being situated in the Hague, is a different body than the International Criminal Court, which is colloquially called the Hague.
The ICJ dates back to the League of Nations and adjudicates international law disputes between sovereign states, meaning that only states can be parties in cases heard by the ICJ. Their ability to actually enforce their rulings are limited and it is completely possible for states, especially those of the International Community, to go “no that’s bollocks” and ignore their decisions.
The ICC is a much more recent invention. They adjudicate criminal cases against individuals. Their actual powers are more tangible than those of the ICJ. If the ICC issues an arrest warrant against someone there’s a decent chance that member states of the ICC will actually arrest that individual and extradite them to the Hague. Once there, people who are convicted actually goes to real jail. This is also the reason for the American “Hague Invasion Act” that is an explicit threat that if an American war criminal is extradited to the ICC, the evil empire will invade the Netherlands to break him out of jail.
The ICJ dates back to the League of Nations
Uh um err sir sir sir ACKSHUALLY the ICJ has only been around since 1945, it was the PCIJ which dated back to the League of Nations, although of course Article 38.1 of the Statute of the ICJ recognizes judicial decisions from the PCIJ as a source of international law, inter alia.
What next, are you going to tell me shooting down a commercial airliner violates jus cogens??
Ah, thank you for the education! Is the ICJ connected to the ICC? I’m looking to edit the post to be more accurate. I’m thinking:
Title: South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice to go after Israel
Description: Same as before with the addendum: thank you to SoyViking for education in the comments (then paste your comment)
Edit: ok I updated it, let me know if this makes you uncomfortable or anything and I’ll happily change it <3 and once again, thank you for the education
At least we’re doing something right lol. The ANC have thankfully always been allied with Palestine and their right to self determination, and been against the Israeli government.
A reminder of what Nelson Mandela said when visiting Gaza in 1999
And in 2002, the USA passed The American Service-Members’ Protection Act (known informally as the “Hague Invasion Act”), wherein the USA authorized itself to order military action (including invading the Netherlands where the Hague is located) to protect and free Americans and their allies
Here’s a fun lil game: guess how the following US senators voted on the Hague invasion act.
- Joe Biden
- Hillary Clinton
- Rick Santorum
- John McCain
John McCain suprises me. Must have been some weird party line thing where to ghouls want it pased, but have to put on an act for the rubes
oh for fuck’s sake!!!
If I had a nickel for every Hexbear ITT that didn’t know South Africa is no longer under the apartheid govt I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much but it’s weird that it happened twice
yeah that was uh weird
how tf did that happen lmao
Nelson Mandela got Mandela effected I guess lol
Some people here are perpetually living in 1982
Beats living in perpetual 2016
My hope is that they are just making some commentary on how the liberals in charge of modern South Africa have subverted the process of reparations, making their attacks on another apartheid state a little odd, but that’s my completely baseless headcanon of what those Hexbears are trying to say
I know this won’t lead to much of anything
But I do like throwing rules-based order at rules-based orderites
sigh At least it’s on the books
Yeah, it’s more than what usually happens
could learn and grow from their past like this, instead they’ve just doubled down on genocide
What Germany took from the experience: Don’t do genocide*
To Jewish people**
Heel face turn complete.
Let the country hold the baby
People can change
this is just unfair. they took apartheid away from Afrikaners once - ok fine, they moved to Israel. now they’re in Israel and you’re trying to take apartheid away from them again? this is ethnic cleansing
imagine doing so much apartheid, genocide, and racism that South Africa sues for international copyright infringement
The apartheid government hasn’t been in power for nearly three decades. The people that fought against apartheid are filing this measure.
you missed correcting that no “suing” is occurring and that it isn’t for “international copyright infringement”, which further indicate that the comment isn’t to be taken seriously
the ratio indicates it was a hack failure of a bit, and certainly more effort will be rerouted to post better
I enjoyed your hack failure of a bit