Yeah, let’s fill the streets with Micro-Machines, that will work
Left: woke boston
- Cars moving through city streets smoothly and without issue
Right: city we should aim for
- Five lane traffic jam
Even their fantasies suck.
The murican rightoid loves everything ugly, despite claiming to all be supermodels, they’re a tacky people with horrible taste in everything. They even love the aesthetic of busy over actually getting work done. At least traditionalists in say, Italy, are surrounded by beautiful architecture and a fondness for art, so you can’t really be a conservative in Italy without appreciating these traditions…and damn does Italy have some nice cultural aspects worth conserving.
They’re unironically too insecure with their masculinity to accept anything other than vomit inducing ugliness.
Well if all the drivers were on e-bikes…
I keep saying cars get bigger every year, this is proof I say.
The woke left is trying to make me use my legs!
Underrated. We need to use him as our screaming lib equivalent.
OT: what’s origin story of that emoji and where could I find a higher res version of it?
He still looks photoshopped in.
Driving involves only the use of my right leg. Walking requires me to also use my left leg.
Leftist conspiracy confirmed.
Copy and pasting a five lane highway into a two lane street I have a master’s degree in civil engineering
How have you woke fools not considered shrinking people and cars down to 1/5 scale and then building massive 12-lane highways through city streets?
I’m for both smaller cars and bike lanes. I got run over by a cab in a section of Boston with 4 lanes of 2way traffic and parallel parking on both sides.
A cab pulled an illegal u turn right into me. Then sat in traffic before some bystanders thankfully blocked his escape.
Boomer lead poisoning.
It begs the question. Why do they even live or work in the city in the first place? If his holiness has deemed the city unfit for the great white man’s tastes. He is free to move to the suburbs. Come to think of it. the suburbs would be great to keep the CHUDs separate from people who matter. You live over there, we live over here and we will NEVER interact. I don’t bother you, you don’t bother me.
suburbs where invented to segregate white and black people
And evade taxes.
Pretty sure
H-have they even read it? It’s short!
One thing I think is very telling about conservatives is that they witness the same symptoms of systemic failures that we do, yet the only solutions they can ever come to are that people must just be that way and need to be addressed with violence. They never stop to consider that people who are doing well and have their needs met wouldn’t need to run around and tear open packages.
They love the idea of having a class of people who are below them because it gives them someone to punch down on. Utterly appalling.
Love seeing evidence of the depth of depravity of conservatives.
Lmao just make cars literally 5% of their actual size. Ok.
Walking? More like wokeing 😤
In 15 minute city, wokeing in mandatory!
: “Nooo, walking excludes the working class from our cities (But high rent doesn’t, trust me.)”
Cars for ants
yea, what if we just made all cars 5x smaller. then we could fit 5x as many cars into the road.
A woke racist? So, a lib?
Turn the whole city into Hot Wheel tracks
Getting stuck in a traffic jam of fisher price cars
I also think we should all just be jarred heads piloting rc cars.
Damn woke Minkowski spacetime