Watch me turn $100 into $105
There’s a nonzero chance that the campaigns are organized by people shorting these companies to begin with.
Pose as a conservative influencer, short a stock, expose them for being woke, profit. Buy the dip, wait for the controversy to blow over, profit twice.
wait for the controversy to blow overshort a new stock and move the “discourse” to that
Easy there Elon.
Hey now they didn’t say anything about farming govt subsidies
This is still the funniest boycott of all time. Budweiser has tents at pride fests for 20 years and chuds never cared
Gay guys boofing Bud light in leather gear: I sleep
A trans lady that is excessively happy all the time gets a single bud light can with her face on it: real shit
Longer than that. Bud has been a gay beer since Coors had a polygraph test for employees that, among other things, asked if employees were gay.
This is so unhinged I had to look it up and sure enough it’s both true and substantially worse than I imagined
That’s the strangest part of the whole Bud thing and why they fired people over it. Every gay bar, queer event that I’ve been to has Bud Light everything. They’ve been sponsoring us for decades and every
thinks this is something new or somehow over the line. They do the same with cishet places as well. Just ridiculous over it.
Bet that can is a priceless artifact now though.
Why do they call it “Bud light” anyway, does it have reduced alcohol or something? Is there a “Bud strong” advertized to like, the Army reserve? Please explain these Americana details to me fellow light-bear
Be in a union
make a woke video how you shit on conservative doodoo heads
buy stake in your company
“Capitalists will sell us the woke we hang them with”
This is literally why these fake moral outrages keep happening. Bourgeois get incredibly rich doing this.
Ok this is a good idea. What company are they currently outraged at?
why wait for them to be mad, let’s all make twitter accounts and invent right wing outrage for shitty companies
look for ads with interracial couples involving white women. Also just general LGBT anything, but especially T
That’s just bog standard conservativism.
A better bit would be to go online and say we made money shorting the stock of the companies that woke hunters get mad about, and donated it to gender affirming care clinics and planned parenthood or whatever. Like anytime we donate to a charity say we made the money shorting Disney or Budweiser stock.
Literally all you would have to do is find a product with more than 4 colors on it and say it’s a gay pride version.
He’ll you could probably take a picture of a freezer full of different Gatorade and say they’re woke.
I did it with Disney a bit. Bought some shares at ~$78 when the
was at it’s peak REEEEE and sold for $95 when Kang the Domestic Abuser got shitcanned. Didn’t get rich, but a half priced Steam Deck OLED is nice.
10/10 DD I will be adopting this strategy going forward.
Works even better if you’re a chud influencer or the company “Wokeing it up” as you can also make money by short selling the outrage dip.
Let the record show I had this idea May 31st and then didn’t do anything about it. Price is up 18% since then, but most of that started in November so I would have lost money on short-term calls anyway.
conservatives are gonna forget about them in a year, tops
6 months isn’t bad. I think the play is LEAPs or literally buying stock on margin, plus whatever short you can cobble together for the rest of the industry.