By all western accounts (might as well say most credible) Ukraine is without a doubt winning this war, there is no denying how substantial the Russian losses have been not just in sheer numbers of those killed on the frontlines but even more so those who have been impacted by the western imposed sanctions which can be removed if Russia removes themselves from occupied Ukraine. I think there have been 14 million Russian deaths as a result of this war and only 4000 Ukrainian deaths - that number includes victims of war (may they rest in peace).
I just want the hexbears to enlighten me - they make bold claims but never follow up with any sources, they constantly repeat the same whataboutisms without acknowledging material reality around them, you can keep retracting your arguments anytime you are proven wrong but this playdoh act can only go so far - if you “”communists”” (hate typing that word) actually had an ounce of care for humanity, wouldn’t you be opposed to the Ruzzian invasion of a sovereign nation such as Ukraine? Let me paint a picture for you - you children might understand this more if I speak in your terms:
If you claim Israel (which is a real country by all historical accounts), that they have no right to be on alleged stolen Palestine land… why do you not come to the same conclusion when it comes to Russia and Ukraine? Oh, another example, why would you not vote Biden who is by no means a great candidate but by choosing not to vote you allow a fascist (antithesis of communists) into power? Don’t you think you have a moral obligation to vote out fascism every time?
I don’t know, though- I’m just a person on the interweb- my opinions are correct and backed by the smartest minds in the west, I do not have to listen to any of you so don’t expect much engagement from me in the comments - thanks!
a fascist (antithesis of communists)
This breaks the bit. No lib would recognize this fact
I was a little hopeful about the closing fakenews post you did. It actually seemed genuine and self-reflective for once, especially after you got so shitty with people over another terrible “ironic” comm request last week.
Maybe I’m getting too old and don’t understand the whole “posting a reactionary rant but actually it’s ironic” thing anymore, but your posts generally don’t seem satirical, they just seem like they were directly written by a lib and posted on your account with an assurance it is definitely just a joke.
I’m in a discord with faer, fae is the biggest lib I’ve ever met
The mods only allow faer to keep posting because the mods are also all libs
Can confirm, fae sends me daily updates on faer attempts to undermine someone who’s trying to salt in faer workplace and how fae’s planning to rat him out to faer boss next week because “unions are a form of theft from the boss” apparently
Also fae has six outdoor cats and faer favourite show is young sheldon
Really? 14 million dead Russians and 4000 dead Ukrainians doesn’t seem like satire? This post hit every western talking point in a simple to follow list.
This post hit every western talking point in a simple to follow list.
Yeah, exactly. Melina is just repeating actual things I have heard irl libs saying over the last couple of years. 14 million Russians and 4000 Ukrainians could come straight from the victims of communism memorial foundation.
If I came across this post from a random user I wouldn’t have any reason to think it’s a bit, just that they were a chud. The only thing that distinguishes Melina’s post from that of a random lib is that we already know faer.
I picked up in it being satire without looking at the name. It reads like a strawman of liberal beliefs in many places and uses funny empathsis at certain points that pushes it over the line.
No it doesn’t. There was a headline last week about Russia allegedly losting over 80% of it’s forces. How many articles are there about how the sanctions are totally working? Israel being real, equating the situation to ukraine, vote biden as the lesser evil - these are all literally western news reports. There’s probably a near identical comment on reddit somewhere. Like I said, they’re all things I have literally had said to me by people in real life. It’s not even repeating the same things they say but in a stupid voice because it’s text, so the only context that tells you that it’s meant to be ironic is that Melina is posting it on CTH - if you don’t have terminal internet poisoning those words mean nothing, so it just looks like normal liberalism.
checks username
checks commsomething sinister is afoot
Literally did the same thing like 20% through the post. Name -> comm -> slow squint while astral calculations started comically flying by my head while I postulated all the possibilities
deleted by creator
In this house
We believe in science
Black Lives Matter
Ukrainian lives matter
Good cops’ lives matter
Palestinian lives matter
Israeli lives matter
Your powers don’t work outside of /c/fakenews. Be gone foul fiend!
It amazes me that people don’t realize that defending democracy doesn’t end with this battle. If you give up on Ukraine, then next comes Taiwan, South Korea, Poland.
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy
If you give up on Ukraine
then next comes Taiwan
South Korea
Should’ve thrown palestine in there somewhere as well. My bad.
Good bit, 9/10. The “smartest minds in the west” is a bit much, but “I don’t have to listen to any of you so don’t expect much engagement from me” is gold
deleted by creator
Welcome back Melina
10/10 incredible effort
Ruzzia and Pizza are similar.
Ruzzia… Pizza Hut.
It all make sense
In the Russian version of Demolition Man, instead of Taco Bell (good/patriotic) they talk about PIZZA HUT. Coincidence? I’ll let you be the judge.
Im in the combination Taco Bell and Pizza Hut
putler confirmed actor, the gorbman is still in charge!
if you “”communists”” (hate typing that word)
Is this a bit? This has to be a bit.
deleted by creator
Actually Ukraine won the war already over a year ago, it’s just being suppressed because Biden needs the wartime funds from congress to do a Marshall Plan in the conquered Ruzzian territories.
why would you not vote Biden who is by no means a great candidate but by choosing not to vote you allow a fascist
I’m voting for Hunter