here I go killing again
as a bird haver, I am anti-cat
putting on cat ears and skulking around outside until someone catches me
Fucking amateurs, get back to me when you cam cause a mass extinction event.
You could say that because humans domesticated cats and spread them across the globe that this is all on us anyway
I thought cats domesticated themselves. I feel like you’re victim blaming here
They started living near us of their own volition (dirty humans, at least they attract mice…). I’m fairly certain humans took the extra step of handling kittens so they would grow up friendly. Once a cat reaches a certain age it becomes very difficult if not impossible to domesticate a feral.
An old fisherman once told me that bait grows more potent with age….
I love my little goobers I couldn’t imagine ever letting them outside.
how are they supposed to build up herd immunity against cars and parasites that live inside rats?
I know we have a lot of gamers on this website so let me sum this article up in a way you guys can understand.
Okay so you guys know halo right? Let’s break it down like this
Master Chief= Your outdoor Cat (specifically your cat. Yes you; not cats in general YOUR CAT) “b-but in instanbul it’s different our cats are innocent pepperonis an- “ I don’t want to hear it!!!
Innocent creatures of the biosphere = The Covenant or “noobs”
Now imagine if your cat was getting a “killing frenzy” every 30 minutes just from being outside…… fucked up huh?