This fact that you think that image accurately depicts liberal ideology is enough to dismiss this out of hand. A moment-in-time choice of vote is as indicative of an ideology as comparing weather to climate. And equating the vote against literal fascists, openly and with pride working to dismantle the republic and install an autocracy, as being a scare tactic just to stay in power is as small-minded as I seem to, disappointingly, expect from the internet.
But I understand all that if you’re spoon-fed that from your choice of news outlets, it gives you less to think about and more to “meme” about.
Where do you see any news outlets expressing that the Republicans are the threat used by Democrats to control the population? Even your attacks are disingenuous.
I never once said anything about “control the population.” Clearly you are doing exactly what idiot conservatives do — make shit up. Have fun living in the bubble of nonsense and intellectual mediocrity.
I didn’t say you said that. Work on your reading comprehension. The idea that the Republicans are the threat used by the Democrats to control the population is the basis of MY meme.
Maybe I put too much trust in the audience, but I wanted it to accurately depict liberal ideology while subtly undermining its hypocrisy.
This fact that you think that image accurately depicts liberal ideology is enough to dismiss this out of hand. A moment-in-time choice of vote is as indicative of an ideology as comparing weather to climate. And equating the vote against literal fascists, openly and with pride working to dismantle the republic and install an autocracy, as being a scare tactic just to stay in power is as small-minded as I seem to, disappointingly, expect from the internet.
But I understand all that if you’re spoon-fed that from your choice of news outlets, it gives you less to think about and more to “meme” about.
Where do you see any news outlets expressing that the Republicans are the threat used by Democrats to control the population? Even your attacks are disingenuous.
I never once said anything about “control the population.” Clearly you are doing exactly what idiot conservatives do — make shit up. Have fun living in the bubble of nonsense and intellectual mediocrity.
I didn’t say you said that. Work on your reading comprehension. The idea that the Republicans are the threat used by the Democrats to control the population is the basis of MY meme.