Don’t forget the neoliberal fantasy of a gleeful slave class who work for food.
This meme is about you.
It’s one of the things I do. You don’t know anything else about me, but you seem to think you do. All I know about you is that you can turn any subject into a conversation about yourself.
I didn’t say you said that. Work on your reading comprehension. The idea that the Republicans are the threat used by the Democrats to control the population is the basis of MY meme.
We were on the verge of forcing real change before the neolibs convinced the middle class that they won by electing Biden. The people in the streets fighting cops is always the beginning of change. Spreading information, and not accepting the premise that Biden is the solution is how we get people back in the streets.
Maybe you should stop arguing with your fantasies and projecting your frustrations so you can engage with people who are actually doing the work.
Third party candidates will never be the answer. They exist only to dilute resistance. The answer is to raise awareness and outrage until it can’t be ignored.
So, what EXACTLY do you think is my purpose in creating propaganda like this post?
And why do you assume I am not doing more?
Is it projection?
Do you think that’s any comfort to the Palestinians Biden is helping to genocide?
Where do you see any news outlets expressing that the Republicans are the threat used by Democrats to control the population? Even your attacks are disingenuous.
You don’t determine my worth, fascist.
Keep typing. You’re making my point for me.
Propaganda is a form of meme.
Maybe I put too much trust in the audience, but I wanted it to accurately depict liberal ideology while subtly undermining its hypocrisy.
Maybe you’re misreading my intention. The image is supposed to convey that the Democrats use Republicans as a threat so they can stay in power, and the frayed rope represents them losing control. What did you think I was trying to say?
The SFX artists of the Corridor Crew said it would be more expensive and more difficult to fake the moon landing than to actually land on the moon.
I always thought it rewarded skill better. Instead of blue shells, karts were faster the farther back they fell in rankings, the lack of randomized items encouraged strategy, and if you didn’t touch the steering, accelerator or brakes, the boosts would last longer. Plus the music was dope.
Signs point to a future terrorist attack at the records building, and maybe at the building of the investigators too.
Reminds me of a true story of a mother who died at home with her toddler in the apartment. By the time anybody noticed, 4 days later the child had been living off cereal and sugar, and he rubbed lotion on his mother’s body to try to help her feel better.
4chan back before the Nazi takeover was like the wild west. My favorite part was “Lithursday,” when we would share images with embedded PDFs of copyrighted content, including rare books, anarchist materials, and military manuals. I often wonder if those unusually large .jpgs are still floating around the internet waiting to be unlocked. I also saw legitimate acts of activism and terrorism unfolding live, without the interpretation and propaganda of the state.