“I am a victim of physical assault and an alcoholic kept functional by my squeezing into the last drop of prosperity afforded by the looting of the eastern bloc, this is why I am not to be pitied”
I love how mad gen xers get when it comes to admitting they were very privileged. They are proud of it, but also insanely mad about it.
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Yeah, that’s very fair. I have a BiL and SiL who are on the tail end of gen x that definitely seem more like older millennials then they do gen x. They are my favorite family members to hang out with at this point.
Old mystery/thriller book by John D. MacDonald. ‘The Brass Cupcake.’ In the story, the hero explains that in prison slang, a ‘cupcake’ is a privilege that can be revoked at anytime by any guard. Everything under our system is a cupcake.
We didn’t get cupcakes.
That device in your hand…?
[CW: Abuse]
I got bad news for you gen X, we millennials were beaten by our parents too. We had the same fucking parents
Meanwhile gen x continued to the cycle and beat us zoomers
Literally half of my siblings are Gen X lol.
As a Gen X - fuck this guy. You have to be an ignorant ass to write off all the issues faced by everyone trying to make a life for themselves these days. We’ve all been fucked by capitalism, and we shouldn’t be blaming each other.
“You really wanna start things with us while we drink our wine in our homes we bough through our sheer tyranny of will?”
Oh no, you’re not taking credit for what the millennials went through. But sure, keep it classy by rubbing your house that you were lucky enough to buy before investors ruined everything in our faces, you sure showed us.
I think they realize they were spoiled and got the easy gig, but they find it emasculating so that’s why they lash out at us.
The sheer force of will required to have been handed a job you aren’t qualified for that pays more than you’re worth and in so doing been made able to afford a house that was bought for TWO paperclips and the string in their pocket that they unfortunately have to sell for 2 million dollars now…
Millennials are gonna be in hospice and people are still gonna treat that generation like they are little kids and blame them for another industry under-performing capitalists’ expectations.
“Why millenials ruining hospice care”
It’s really endearing you think they’d let us have hospice care.
That’s already becoming the cash cow of a fucked industry, you’re going to have to prove three times active income to be admitted to hospice care.
Millenials retirement will look like the next generation setting a loaded gun on the table next to us and then looking at us expectantly.
Yeah, my retirement plan is ending up on one of those “creepy, unsolved disappearances” compilation videos on youtube.
30 buckle holes in it to reduce wind speed
when a dumbass tries to talk about physics
the fuck you say bitch? you think you’re tough? well i was abused as a defenseless child by people with more physical and social power than me who abjectly failed in their responsibility to protect and nurture me! bet you’re scared now!
the thing you need to remember about generation-x is we are the most lead-addled generation in history
you’re gonna need to kill us all, for the good of the planet, I beg you
isnt lead taking care of that already?
I’d gladly take a leather belt whooping if it meant I could have a house and a roof for 20 quids. My whole generation would.
The reactions you get when you say “my parents didn’t hit me and I turned out fine.”
Oh cute. I was both given time-outs, beaten with a belt, and got the added bonus of getting beaten with a stick on my hands and feet as a millennial child. Where’s my oppression trophy
I have it, I got beaten with a rolling pin.
Ooo that sounds like an awful experience. If I may ask, was it more of a clubbing than a whacking?
I’m so cool for being abused as a child and I also think it was a good thing
Boomers weren’t the parents of gen x wtf 😂
They were for plenty of gen Xers. An early boomer having kids in their mid 20s would have made a mid to late gen X.
I wouldn’t call that “plenty”; that’s an edge case at best
Reading these comments make me realize how lucky I was not to get beat or hit as a kid. One of my friends was and his parents stopped beating him when he got old enough to grab the belt and throw it across the room.