This lemonade is the final ingredient to my Kahlua + 4loko based cocktail that I’ve been inventing.
I call it the Heart Palpatini.
It’ll be drank by line cooks in 45°C kitchens everywhere. Which means it’ll be consumed along with lines of cocaine in the walk in cool room.
Having all those circumstances together would be wild. You’d immediately turn to stone like you were making bedroom eyes at Medusa.
heart palpatini
Gotta have a little something to wash down the drip, ya know?
too bad everything made in that place tastes like it’s been spiced with heavy metals
i am so filled with heavy metals yum
Capitalism breeds innovation
Maybe if our economy didn’t normalize stimulants (as a function of maximum productivity output) this wouldn’t be a problem
I read a post here that resonated with me. Apparently one of the Chapo hosts (Chapo?) said “stimulants make you evil”
I don’t do coffee or soda and I seldom have tea tea and often do the herbal stuff. It seems like one of those things where eventually you need it to feel normal
Colonization of the Americas pretty much doubled in awfulness once the upper class started loving tobacco. It’s crazy how many atrocities were committed over coffee and cigs.
I’m going to make a 6-pack of pre-packaged Moscow Mules where one can has like 2000mg of caffeine in it and call it Russian Roulette.
Moscow mules
white Russian was right there. No? Too sweet?
Kahlua already has caffeine in it. It seems more apt to be putting a fuck ton of caffeine in something that normally has none lol
Back in my day we called that 4loko
4loko had a normal amount of caffeine. This one’s gotta start heart palpitations after the first sip.
Worry not, friends, it s not like there’s a pandemic raging uncontrolled that makes people more susceptible to heart failure!
Hmm, what’s that? THERE’S A WHAT?!?!?!
Don’t worry, the census is redefining disability so we can’t see the trends caused by the pandemic. Mission accomplished!
btw where is this image from? Is that Anne Hathaway?
Devil wears Prada I think
I just realised this is the hellworld version of a Thai drink I had once.
It was orange juice and espresso.
Panera corporate: Hey these Orientals seem to love this [caffeinated citrus drink] what if it’s the next Froyo or Boba? We should get ahead of it.
Panera: but also how do we do it cheaper than having to use espresso and oranges?
Citrus and coffee seems ungodly bitter.
they do citrus in tea in Europe
A Turkish-German guy at work swears by coffee with lemons as a hangover cure. I think it’s gross.
orange juice and espresso
Gonna try that later
Panera Death Lemonade
Well at least I know what my next metal band will be called
“The Lemonade that kills people” is genius marketing.
Right? I didn’t even know Panera had a caffeinated lemonade until it started killing people. Now I want.
My mug filled with the lemonade that kills people has a lot of people asking questions already answered by the mug
Pink Sauce
Oh I forgot about that one
TikTok-based botulism, amazing
When asked whether her product was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, she stated that her product is not a “medical product”, causing further backlash from commenters who noted that the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating food alongside drugs
This got me lmao
-------- edit ---------
Other highlights:
One TikTok user faked their death after consuming Pink Sauce as a “social experiment to see how quickly other people could spread misinformation”
As of December 5th 2023, her GoFundMe is at $25,459 out of the $100,000 required, $24,240 of which came from a single donor.
but in all seriousness it would be fine if they just labeled this better, but it is advertised as much caffeine as coffee. but 390 mg for 30-oz is actually much less than coffee. sorry to be a downer, its very fun to say “the lemonade that kills people”. they should also take away free refills and not let people serve themself.
It’s more caffeine than you get from an equal volume of Red Bull. Dunno what coffee you’re drinking.
just black coffee lol. 20-ounce light roast at panera has 384 mg of caffeine and thats ten oz less. edit, like what do you even mean what coffee are you drinking. any coffee literally any cup off coffee???
The caffeine in coffee has a much lower bioavailability than in energy drinks like this though. Most of the caffeine is locked behind the crll walls in coffee and tea, and oir body has a lot if trouble accessing it. Energy drinks have pure caffeine added into them and it is much more readily available for our bodies to absorb.
To think of it another way, a typical joint with about a gram of marijuana has about 120-200mg of thc in it. Taking that much thc in an edible would absolutely blast you to the moon, but smoking just gets you regularly high.
ok intresting! that tracks but what is “pure caffeine”? because i saw it called green coffee extract, like what they have at starbucks. is this a marketing term for pure caffeine?
edit. yeah googling and im not sure its the same type of caffeine as in energy drinks. do you mean synthetic caffine? when you say pure caffeine? really trying to learn more. becaue just looking online it says that synthetic caffine is the one your body absorbs faster and this is not synthetic caffine. so the lemonade still may be in the clear lol.
taking a sip of my panera lemonade with a little nibble of my capsaicin chip
Wild that companies will just sell food that straight up kills people
But libertarians said the market would regulate itself. People have stopped buying the deadly lemonade right?
I have actually read arguments made before the laws on food safety that unsafe food is good actually because the market trends towards replacing flour with sawdust because it’s cheaper and poisoning everyone is good if the market said to
Um ackshually sawdust is perfectly edible
it’s not actually. It’s like eating cotton
It’s just extra fiber, it passes right through you
I thought the lemonade was complimentary since it was a self serve station.
oh that’s all right then
cigarette companies: you don’t even get to eat it
Inside of me there are two wolves - the personal responsibility neoliberal who is annoyed that people don’t read the warnings and kill themselves, and the social responsibility communist that understands that it’s ridiculous to expect everyone to make an informed decision before doing seemingly trivial things. The communist wolf is beating the shit out of the neoliberal one, don’t worry.
Hey this is not a conflict at all , “Personal responibility” is complettly compatible with communism ,… have you ever heard of "the Wall " ?
actually the only reason that was justifiable was because the ruling class will only give up power by force
“obligation” - check out this word , its not big in Angloida Culture , but its important. there are certain “obligations” you have to fullfill … and when you dont … you lose “coverage” only the fullfillment of “obligation” comits the other party to fullfill its “obligation” as well. A Contract commits both Parties … Dont break it.
I disagree some obligations you are still bound by whatever the other party does. To give a microcosm argument if your wife cheats on you it’s still wrong to beat her up.
Killing the romanovs was for the russians a sad necessity as otherwise they would have been weaponised and it was still a great wrong Nicholas and his wife less so but the kids that was actually wrong. It would have been far better to go the Puyi route or raise the children anonymously or something
"§ 241 Para. 1 BGB describes the performance obligations:
By virtue of the obligation, the creditor is entitled to demand performance from the debtor. The performance can also consist of an omission. "
in this case the Injured Party choose “omission” and you may have noticed , it worked very well , the Tsars have not violated any Obligation ever since.
that’s the most German argument I’ve ever seen first off so congrats
German law is not morality. Your obligations are much deeper in truth than that law says
No! Not that kind of personal responsibility!
wolf is beating the shit out of
wolf punching and kicking