steal an entire country
the people who got their country stolen write a kids book about it
steal the books too
oh come on this shit reads like a fucking greentext
This whole propaganda campaign is really damaging to the Jewish community at large over the long term. Antisemitism is a very real problem with horrible consequences, as history shows. Equating anti-colonialism, anti-apartheid, anti-genocide, pro-palistinian, etc, speech with antisemitic speech undermines the credibility of organizations (the ADL), commentators, and victims of antisemitic attacks when they actually occur. Additionally, there is a very real possibility that it could push people towards actually hateful ideologies. “They lied about that. Maybe they lied about this, too.”
Seriously, it’s absolutely maddening to see Isreal drag Judaism through the mud in service of their crybully-ass genocide
It goes beyond that. Jewish is both a faith and ethnicity, so even those that aren’t religious will face hatred from this.
I don’t believe that Jewish is an ethnicity. That’s like saying Catholics are an ethnicity. Judaism is just a religion. Any ethnicity can practice it. Same with any other religion.
Ashkenazi Jews are in fact an example of an ethnic Jewish population, due in part to specific cultural traditions and language (yiddish)
Right but that’s not the same. There isn’t one Jewish ethnicity. The Ashkenazi, Beta Israel and Sephardic are all separate Jewish communities and ethnicities
They know that and they’re betting on being able to complete the ethnic cleansing and have it completely normalized by the west. Every neoliberal politician in the world is trying their hardest to shut down opposition because they also want to do the same to their own “undesirables”.
I can’t disagree with that at all. Beyond the obvious concern for others, my concern about this false campaign also includes myself. It’s not dissimilar to the Jussie Smollett situation in the ways it will be used to deny injustices that have occurred. I’m not Jewish, but I am a POC in the US.
For example, the ADL does not just call out hatred against the Jewish community but other marginalized groups as well. The far right has been attacking the organization’s credibility since its inception. They have now decreased or destroyed their credibility with those on the center-right and left by equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism. This includes myself. When they speak out about any actual hate, regardless of the target, it will now fall on deaf ears.
I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir, but I’m frustrated that I don’t see a way that this doesn’t lead to more people espousing more extreme-right ideology.
credibility of organizations (the ADL)
the Apartheid Defense League collaborated with South Africa to spy on anti-apartheid Americans
I wasn’t aware of that, thank you for that. The people of this world never fail to disappoint.
undermines the credibility of organizations (the ADL)
The ADL destroys its own credibility
the ADL
Absolute dogshit losers
Zionism is totally removed from Judaism. It’s a settler colonial project of the west. They don’t give a fuck about the Jewish people in fact they hate them. But virtue signaling to spread colonization in the Middle East is still a win. So no nothing they do will be in the interest of Jewish people because it never was intended to.
Ethnically cleansing the library because I’m afraid my apartheid state sucks so bad at propaganda that people might be convinced we’re genociding the native population
Ah yes, “checks out books indefinitely”, or as it’s actually called, “theft”. The police are getting called for conspiracy to commit theft when?
Well actually, they were called into a conspiracy to steal from NYC public libraries just recently
I like how villainous this guy looks. The slick-backed hair, the goatee, the cold dead eyes. It’s almost too on-the-nose
What are you talking about? He looks like every New York corporate lawyer I’ve ever me-
Sorry, you’re absolutely right, carry on.
Uh wtf? No dude, it’s the context of the image and the act together that make him look like a dead eyed genocidal monster. It has literally nothing to do with him being Jewish (I don’t even know from the context of this post if he is Jewish or not, there are tons of Christian Zionists and non-Jewish supporters of Zionism in general. Making that assumption/assuming Judaism is equivocal with Zionism is ACTUALLY anti-Semitic). throws around vibe based antisemitism accusations while a genocide is going on
The too-bright highrise
i dont understand how people live with super hot super bright lights. Gimme like 2500-2700K like 60W equivalent lights and an ultra cozy room. I don’t understand apartments with psychological warfare lighting.
I think the room plays a factor. I like more white/blue in the kitchen, bathroom, and closet for visibility and “color accuracy” but prefer more red light in the living room, bedroom, and other areas for relaxing.
literally stealing knowledge from children
into a black hole you go
Zionists stealing? no way
Won’t the library eventually just like, charge them the cost of the books and buy new copies to loan out?
Yeah man but it’s totally the jews being genocided rn because people hate israel.
I wonder why that is.
In any other context, this would be seen as cartoonishly evil behavior
no, this context too
Keep them for so long that you inadvertently radicalize your own kids.
I don’t see what doing this kind of irritating shit is going to accomplish for him besides pissing people off.
Rightoids: “We support free speech…but any opinion that differs from our’s is indoctrination and is therefore too offensive to be spoken.”
They’re going to bring back blasphemy laws, and ‘being a leftist’ will be considered blasphemy.
Lol their kid’s gonna find the book lying around somewhere at home, read it, and hate Israel. Reactionaries spend so much time controlling other kids that they forget about their own >:)
Based kids.