Anyone been there and can offer tips? Going with my wife and 7 year old kid this coming summer and couldn’t be more excited. Love to know any tips for eating vegan (none of us eat meat) and cool commie things to see and do, here is a first draft of the itinerary so far:
Land in Hong Kong and spend a week there
Train to Guilin, spend 2 full days there (4 days total counting travel days)
Train to Changsha (home of Chairman Mao), again 2 full days, 4 total with travel days
Train Hangzhou, 4 full days here, 6 total with travel days
Train to Shanghai, 5 full days, 7 total
Train Beijing, 5 full days, 7 total leaving early morning last day
Some tips based on my own experience:
- Holofly esim works well as a mobile sim (with built in VPN) though I hadn’t tried others
- Having a voice/camera translation app is extremely helpful, though if you don’t have an esim/VPN then good luck using anything Google, because their apps are blocked (rightfully so). Apple stuff is is allowed and works AFAIK, and Baidu is popular there, though I confess I never used their apps much.
- For VPN, Astral was really the only thing that I tried that worked. Stuff like Express or NordVPN does not.
- Try to get setup with WeChat. As a foreigner, you can’t use it for payment, but it’s still very useful for information and reserving tickets and stuff. You’ll need an invite to get on it, so I’d ask any contacts you have there if they can do that for you.
- You CAN use AliPay for payments, and I HIGHLY recommend getting that set up before you go. You can use cash at a lot of places, but sometimes even cash won’t work, as the Chinese basically use WeChat/AliPay for everything. Credit cards are pretty much worthless.
- If you need a cab or rideshare, Didi app is probably the best way for foreigners, and you can use AliPay for payment.
- You should check your visa requirements and make sure you follow their rules. For example, I believe you have to let authorities know if you’re staying in a hotel that was not mentioned in your visa application. Also make sure you pay attention to any covid rules and follow their requirements. Even though “zero covid” is over, the Chinese government still takes it somewhat seriously.
- Chinese people are VERY friendly in my experience, and they’re more than willing to help out tourists assuming they’re polite. So don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it (this is where translation apps are useful) and this includes the police in China, who are way more friendly and chill than cops in the US.
- The western media would never tell you this, but China is actually extremely kid-friendly. There are lots of options for kids and most places cater to families, so your kid is going to love it.
- Also on the topic of being kid-friendly, China is the safest place I’ve ever been to, hands down. It wasn’t uncommon to see young kids running around the city at night without parents there, because they know nothing bad will happen.
- Museums and historical sites in China are absolutely mind blowing. You should visit some if you ever have the chance.
- If you need medicine, it’s amazingly easy to get it at a Chinese pharmacy. They do prescriptions right then and there and you don’t even need to see a doctor, though what they carry might be a little different. Also, they’ll have herbal remedy stuff that really does work. I had stomach pains and they recommended some of these herbal tablets. I was skeptical at first, but that stuff worked better than anything I could get at a drug store in the US.
- Ok, on the topic of being vegan there, I’m vegetarian and even just being that was difficult in China. Animal products are used in a lot of foods there, even stuff some might not expect, like fried rice being made with lard, ma po tofu using meat for the sauce, etc. You can try ordering food without meat but the language barrier can make that difficult. One thing I’d recommend is to plan ahead and try to find food places that are explicitly vegan. A regular food place likely won’t have many meat free options, but there might be vegan places where you don’t have to worry about it. Where I was has a big Buddhist community, so there were at least some veg/vegan places run by/for Buddhists. I expect big cities have more options like this than rural places. Also, hot pot or buffet style restaurants might be a good bet as you can pick and choose from more options. Just be careful they aren’t using beef or pork broth for the hot pot.
Sorry I’m done rambling. Hopefully this was helpful, and I hope your trip is awesome!
Thanks, these are all great tips, especially on the food!
I’ve been to Beijing many, many times. It’s really a shame with Tiananmen Square. You used to be able to walk freely there on 长安街 at anytime, including midnight, with no restrictions whatsoever. This ended when wholesome Uyghur freedom fighters started killing random civilians by ramming cars into crowds. You need an ID and security check now. Total pain on the ass. Thanks CIA
潘家园and琉璃厂has lots of very cool antiques/vintage items stores. I got an old propaganda poster and a cookbook from the ‘30s last time I went. And also an original little red book. You should definitely try to bring along a native speaker though, and preferably someone who knows their shit. These kinds of places have a reputation for being hucksters and dumb foreigners are easy marks for fake antiques.
Luckily I speak mandarin so it was very easy for me, you might have some trouble
It’s such a completely different city than it was in the early 2000s. God damn am I nostalgic for 2001 Beijing. The vibe, man! The three body problem series pretty heavily capitalized on sentimentalism towards this era. You had to have been there to see the incredible change in barely 20 years. I’m friends with a cabbie there, and the stories he tells about the 70s to now is some of the most interesting shit I’ve ever heard.
I wish I’d kept up with my mandarin when I was a kid. Can’t speak it for shit anymore. Not since I was probably 10 ish
The three body problem series
Is that the one where all the woman suddenly start having babies with three bodies… and it’s a problem? Good books, I also enjoyed the show.
It’s the one set in the 2008 Olympics by Liu Cixin
I hope you have fun, sounds cool.
It’s gonna be hot and humid in the south! Dress accordingly and bring ways to hydrate.
Eat where locals eat. Ask people for recommendations and specifically where they like to eat. You’ll find really cool places that way.
Use trains to get around whenever you can! They’re really great.
Scope out walking tours and big tourist destinations you’d want to hit. You may need to book a tour in advance to have any chance of seeing some sights.
Give yourself at least one rest day in each location where you can just walk around a cool part of the city if you want to or just hang out in a park or sleep if you need to. Many cities have very interesting, often very old neighborhoods with unique characters. For example, I would recommend checking out some Hutongs in Beijing.
Figure out your plans for sim cards and identification and such in advance. Plan out what apps you’ll use and how you’ll navigate them if you don’t read Chinese. Many will have English modes but you’ll need to find them and familiarize yourself with mistranslations.
You’re not super super far away from Hakka walled villages for part of your trip. Could look into it as an option!
Have fun!
Yea, we plan on using the trains a lot. Gotta start looking into how to book the tickets for the city to city trips in advanced soon.
I’ll be going for the first time in march. Will be there for about three months. I’ll be happy to tell you what I learn once I’ve leaned it
Nice! Are you going for work or just to travel?
Travel. Going to see as much as I can
I live in China (Hangzhou, actually). Just to add to what people have already said. WeChat now accepts international credit/debit cards and it works fairly reliably now (my girlfriend recently visited and she was able to use both WeChat and AliPay), but I think AliPay is probably more reliable. I’m fairly confident they both would work in Guilin/Changsha, but bring cash just in case.
I tried to get wechat but it wont let me sign up without someone who already has an account (from mainland China too I think?) scanning me in or something. Was able to get Alipay up and running though.
Huh, that’s so strange lol. I guess AliPay will probably be all you need. Since you’re going to Shanghai, I actually really enjoyed the propaganda museum.
Never been to China, but I can offer basic generic travel tips:
Adjust your sleep schedule weeks before you leave to avoid jet lag. Much better to have a few unpleasant “jet lag” days at home before you leave than missing out on fun stuff the first few days while you adjust.
Learn what basic medicines look like over there and what to ask for at a pharmacy. It can ruin a holiday if you’re stuck with a headache and no paracetamol or anything. Also, if you’ve got a kid, knowing what child friendly medicine exists over there is always a good idea. You don’t want your kid to miss out on their holiday either.
Don’t feel like you have to spend every second “doing something” either. Sounds like you’ll be traveling around a lot, so having the occasional “rest day” can make the whole experience a lot more fun. Don’t just assume you’ll be able to rest on the train or plane.
If you or your wife are a light sleeper, investing in some earplugs and eye covers could make it much easier to sleep, especially if you’re sensitive to sleeping in unfamiliar environments. Especially if you’re going to be taking a nap on a train or something like that.
A lot of this is probably very basic stuff you already know, but I still like to share it, just in case.
Have fun!
We travel a good amount, the best thing that works for me to avoid jetlag is to stay up all night (I can’t ever sleep on planes anyways) then just go to bed at night at my destination. It’s worked really well so far for me, my wife not so much though haha.
Don’t feel like you have to spend every second “doing something”
Don’t underestimate the value of just sitting there and people-watching.
The most bourgeois thing I’ve done is get a nice eye mask with Bluetooth headphones in it. They’re great as a light sleeper with a snoring partner and for long trips