bitches be like “astrology isn’t real” and then post this shit
It’s astrology for dudes who think they’re too rational and smart for astrology
no you’re thinking of libertarianism there
Libertarianism is
reactionary politicspedophilia for dudes who think they’re too rational and smart for reactionary politics
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Asking me if I like to be the center of attention at parties, in an attempt to describe my predilections/ predict my behavior RE parties, is no more helpful than asking me where Titan was when my mother died.
Enneagrams 2, 7, 8 BTFO
It’s crazy how much I’ve seen people list these things on their dating profiles.
wow i love the corporate use of bullshit personality tests to be able to say no to giving someone a job because they have “undesirable characteristics”
i love it so much i would like to stomp it to death
Yeah its some real creepy eugenics shit
hello i am a INFP and you are an ENTF and so you cannot be near me see the corporate internet told me so
people should post their daily i ching readings instead
Erm I’ll have you know Owl that I’m INTP
I Need Toilet Paper (i shitted myself)
Want to point out this isn’t even Jung’s fault, it’s some crank woman who fucked up his already shit theory.
INTPs be like “I’m rational and logical” but then hang out in the bathroom at 3am while cutting their bangs and shitposting, smh
Inventory of questions about my behavior has no correlation or predictive value about my behavior
Y’all are so goofy about this shit.
That’s not what they’re saying. It’s a reductive measure that turns people into 16 categories, some of which are disproportionately selected against in jobs.
I can do the same job as someone who scores differently, but an interviewer can use it as an excuse to exclude me. A lot of other ND people feel similarly.
Then throw in the arbitrary history, most people can’t even say what the mbti actually measures.
It’s got too much influence for something that can’t actually predict about a person, especially if they can change just lie to get a favorable score. It just puts more work on people.
Jungian psychology is outdated and disproven pseudoscience that uses unscientific and crank methods to determine personality traits. For example, the personality types quiz will categorize you as an emotional or rational person, throwing out the possibility of a person being both out with the bathwater. Especially when you consider that recent studies into empathy, emotions, and intelligence are actually deeply linked and you cannot have one without the other.
It doesn’t when you don’t even get consistent results from the same person over multiple tests
A Buzzfeed ‘which bread are you’ quiz is also an inventory of questions about your behavior but I don’t see anyone using it to decide what job I should have
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You’ll answer questions differently at different times of day and on different days of the week, all dependent on personal variables that are in constant flux. You’re a different personality type before and after a nap, for example. It’s nonsense.
I dated a lovely lady who put too much stock in that Meyers Briggs stuff. I mean, it’s whatever, do your thing, but then she started to apply it to me. That’s when it started to get annoying.
It’s not the only reason we broke up but it is the funniest.
Astrology for comms majors
Class selection for real life gamers
Myers-Briggs are just horoscopes for people who don’t believe in horoscopes.
A make-work program for HR professionals
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My kindle wraps sentences like this