Learning Mandarin solely to sell my country out for non-horny reasons
Printing out dossiers of company and state secrets that I hand out to any chinese women that tries to talk to me on the off-chance they’re a spy.
Real cool how everyone has already decided that there will be a war with China, and that the ultimate causus belli doesn’t matter and will be made up later
it’s pretty fucked watching the consent being manufactured right in front of your eyes and you can scream your head off, it’s just proceeding
And everyone is going along with it too.
Talk to any rando and find what they’re opinion on China is. 99% of the time, it’ll be some unhinged shit about how China is doing genocide and that Chinese people are all untrustworthy and dirty
I’m just watching everyone sleepwalk into it like there’s no other choice and it’s BAFFLING. There’s literally NO justification and yet everyone is talking about it. Imperial warmongerers should get the fucking wall. I already haven’t seen my family since covid and the idea of being stuck on the other side of a war to them is nightmarish
they’re not sleepwalking. the bleach demons bay for blood. this is normal.
what’s really depressing is that if the USA had a revolution went socialist tomorrow, it would still go to war with China, except that its cassus belli would be changed to “China is not socialist enough and also now the imperial core since America had a revolution”
the party would split over it
This is how it was with the Soviet Union as well. People acted like war with them was only a matter of time.
love these videos that are just insane shit about china with like 3 out of context sound bites from elong muck in the background
my people yearn for bunda
I would absolutely abandon my country for the promise of an okay job in China, easy access to fresh Oolong tea, and some sort of community.
I’d rather destabilize things in the belly of the Great Satan, but I also wouldn’t complain on gorging myself on all manner of Chinese food and music.
As long as I can get hrt I’m good
Are any of their women taking women?
I’ve heard this same thing being said about Russia and Israel
This might sound funny but it’s a Chinese state tradition to use their women for political achievements or get rid of the people they don’t want. There are a lot of historical records showing that Chinese used their women to assassinate rival leaders or cause infighting in rival states.
As we all know, no Chinese man ever assassinated anyone or caused any infighting
Nor any European woman
suffragettes literally invented the mail bomb
I regret to inform lyudmila that her kill count has been revised to 0
“How many levels of Orientalism are you on?”
*Like 5 or 6 my dude"
“You are like a little baby. Watch this.”
There are a lot of historical records showing that Chinese used their women to assassinate rival leaders or cause infighting in rival states.
I am dying for you to post your sources for this so they can be torn to shreds by bears. It will be fucking hilarious.
I know you don’t actually know any and just completely made this the fuck up but please try to google some anyway because it will be really really fucking funny.
There are a lot of historical records showing that Chinese used their women to assassinate rival leaders or cause infighting in rival states.
They shouldn’t have stopped
1000 years of Chinese bureaucracy exams focusing entirely on utilizing your feminine wiles
Military Academy for Bad Bitches
In the west they just plant a new Keffals in the media every month for the same effect
Another glass ceiling shattered.
cracks knuckles
Lemme tell you about ancient gynese history, kiddo. You weren’t around for the classics like Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
lol racist dumbass
That was pretty common in Europe too, out of my depth here but I’d be willing to bet African states used women to get rid of rival nobility and such too