That’s why we call those type of “bike lanes” a murder strip.
Have them where I live too.
31°57’30"S 115°54’16"E
All around Vic, too. They generally don’t even put in a bike lane, just say “use the emergency lane”. Here’s a sequence of images for one on the freeway in to Melbourne from Ballarat, starting from the onramp:
This whole stretch of freeway is 110 km/h (70mph). There are skid marks where vehicles have bailed out of a failing 110km/h merge.
The shoulder is the emergency lane. It’s where drivers pull over into if there’s an unavoidable hazard ahead or their brakes are failing or something.
There used to be a sign “helping” cyclists already on the freeway by telling them “cross here with care”:
But it was obliterated by a vehicle:
4PWQ2WR3+MQ here’s a plus code for ye (apparently Google’s open-source alternative coordinate thing and their solution to unaddressed areas)
I got “Invalid Dynamic Link” on your link.
Same. Not sure what happened there. Have replaced with it’s lat long.
It’s basically an IRL Happy Wheels level.
Look, it even has the speed booster thing that launches you into the gauntlet!
Where is this monstrosity?
Looks like the meme was made from this twitter post.
FL-804 & Florida’s Turnpike.
I wouldn’t mind too much. Just gonna take me a few minutes to get up to merging speed.
I’m not sure if this is just hilariously optimistic, or some kind of sinister and deliberate murder-by–urban-planning
the first one would be my guess. They just haven’t thought it through remotely
Hey man, it’s fuck cars, not fuck bikes.
Painted bicycle gutters are car infrastructure. Bicycle infrastructure would be to remove a car lane and have a concrete barrier (or remove the road entirely)
I mean, it’s an example of cars fucking over bikes. Relevant enough imo