Just wondering what everyone thinks about this. In almost every place I’ve worked coworkers with right wing beliefs are never shy about giving their opinion and views on things.
The major talking points are usually variations of stuff like: we spend to much on beneficiaries and they should stop being lazy and get a job. That poor people have kids so they can get free money from the government. We need or be tougher on crime. Even absurd shit like being outraged that a homeless person had a smartphone and indulging in such lavishness is why they’re homeless etc etc
Some of the shit I hear from otherwise seemingly lovely people is insane. I feel like I have to be so much more measured and have all my ‘evidence’ ready to defend my commie beliefs while these people can just say whatever bullshit they want and everybody just kinda nods in agreement.
Is this a normal thing in the Angloverse? Is it because their views are essentially the status quo already and they have just fully internalised the capitalist propeganda?
Please let me know
Yes, they have absorbed the hegemonic ideology and never face any real consequences for it
There’s entire industries feeding them talking points and what to say in response to any criticism of the world. Although I find most of them can’t actually remember the points that well, it’s all just a blend of “I saw/heard somewhere” or “they want” stuff. Pretty pathetic.
I feel like the argument can be made that Trump lost in 2020 at least partially because so many of his supporters committed suicide via covid. Biden is also rightwing and his supporters are currently turning their brains into swiss cheese in order to keep his abysmal poll numbers up, but you get my point. We are at the end of the empire, which means that imperialists even in the core occasionally suffer the consequences of their actions.
Unlike us, they don’t need to hide their political views since they’re the default. We need to carefully craft literally every word we say benhind euphamisms so we don’t make people literally violently freak out upon hearing something that they don’t agree with, but they can all say “DAE we should legalize murder?” and everyone’s cool with it.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Having to be so measured with what I say is the most frustrating part. I think that right wing solutions to problems are so simple and intuitively feel correct to people that it’s easy to just say “well obviously if we have more crime we need more cops”. Any further analysis requires them to actually think things through beyond this is too challenging to the worldview and requires too much effort.
CHUDDery is always the result of intellectual laziness, feeble-mindedness, or usually both.
Same here, I know a guy who has probably said all of these. He’s also highly anti communist, secretely fond of our previous dictators, and ironically his grandfather was put into exile during the civil war for being with the communists.
Otherwise he’s a pretty good guy, it’s probably his fucked childhood and parents that made him like this.
I just conclude that the emptier you are the more you need to intervene with your bullshit beliefs.
Young people are also propagandised as fuck
it’s probably his fucked childhood and parents that made him like this.
Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism
If you’re white and have a certain wasp “look” about you, they could think you’re “safe” to talk to
This is a good point, I’m a slavic immigrant so not exactly waspy but still very much a mayo verriety. But these have also been fairly multicultural places which is even more bizarre.
They’re very outspoken, which is hilarious because they think they’re in George Orwin 1987 because they think communists run the media.
Yeah I honestly feel like we live in separate realities sometimes
The ideas of the ruling class are the ideas of society.