Sorry if this isnt the place for this but wanted to contribute to the instance.

Drums not finished yet. Need a 6 lug hoop for the tom I used. Gonna fiberglass the drum in place once i have holes drilled for the hoop and gonna try and fashion something neat for the pedals to clamp on to.

Havent decided on whether to cut a port in the back yet but imagine it will need it for micing. If anybody has built one and has some advice re: port or Kickport or something like that Ill take it!

  • @SoulMechanic
    21 year ago

    That is beautiful. I wonder how it sounds.

    • @AntematterOP
      21 year ago

      Haha me too! Once i get the hoop sorted i can start kicking it. Im a live sound engineer so ill be able to run it through a pretty massive l’acoustics system in the next two weeks. Not that my friend will be using it for that lol but it’ll be fun for me.

      • @SoulMechanic
        21 year ago

        I’m a live Engineer as well. L’acoustics is one of my favorite systems that I use, though I mostly only get to do corporate events.

  • @AntematterOP
    11 year ago

    Side pic to show off the sweet drum spikes. I think they fit the retro vibe pretty good.