There are lots of other moments there.
“Single payer economies leads to bad things like Bolshevism and Stalin” Let’s hear your rant
There are lots of other moments there.
“Single payer economies leads to bad things like Bolshevism and Stalin” Let’s hear your rant
I don’t even need to say this but
FOSS has many, many problems but contributing to monopoly is not among htem.
Do not use the term FOSS, it conflates Free Software with Open Source
as it should, because open source software should be free. GNU can shove it.
Open Source is a corporate plot to dilute the meaning of software freedom
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on the other hand, maybe GNU should shove it? viral licensing is a nice hack, but its not like they’re the only community that produces free/open source software. many groups share the objective, even if they don’t all agree with the utility or importance of viral clauses. obviously, OSI is pretty much only there to make the concept more palatable to corpos, but i don’t see any reason to be loyal to GNU.
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I’m confused, are you saying you think FOSS means “Free or Open Source Software”?
Yes, because that’s literally what the acronym stands for.
No, FOSS means Free and Open Source Software.
It is used to refer to software that is both free and open source.
Being open source is a necessary but not sufficient condition of software being Free, so Free Software already means that. FOSS is a corporate plot to conflate software that is merely open source with software that is fully Free.
Free means Free. Open Source means Open Source. FOSS refers to software that are both of those things.
Free means Free is an empty tautology that means nothing.
Free means software which preserves your four fundamental software freedoms: the freedom to run the program as you wish, the freedom to study and modify the program, the freedom to redistribute the program, and the freedom to distribute your modifications to the program.
Open source only protects part of the second freedom.
You know what? I thought the “Free” in FOSS meant only free as in free beer, while the Open Source part was the free as in free speech part, but upon further investigation I concluded that you are right. Have a nice day.
I’m even more confused. it means “Free and Open Source Software” everywhere I can find and I’ve only ever heard it in contrast with OSS, especially by license conscious devs who want to avoid copyleft.
open source software has problems such as what?
The most popular open source licenses are insufficiently militant and just create a new commons for capitalists to loot.
I treasure every piece of hate mail I get for my choice of the AGPLv3 in my projects, instead of the MIT or BSD licenses like so many others managing projects in the same niche.
lmao get fucked nerds
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I feel so conflicted about Stallman. he’s ideologically correct that free software must be protected from encroachment by capital – but such a fucking creep/asshole on literally everything else.
Probably my most problematic fave of all time. He’s such a lovable dork and right about everything a good 95% of the time, but then when he’s wrong he’s very very wrong
I still think I could fix him though.