Baby making requires being horny and horny posting is BANNED.
Explain that one tankies.
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The Volcel Police will bring about the sweet extinction we crave
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
i’m a pro natalist but only in cases of artificial insemination
such a weird hill to die on
says the person claiming it’s immoral to have babies
protesting the maternity ward by holding up signs with cute pictures of living babies screaming “look at what you’re about to do!”
This would be a good bit and is bringing me around on this issue
The One Child policy was not anti-natalism. Libs are so disgusting.
Imagine the CPC like “Dear citizens, I know we’ve been saying that we’re building a better socialist world and that our nation will be moderately prosperous and stable but even with that, life is just a torment and non-existence is preferable to existence.”
“We would implement the no-child policy, but everyone should get to create one suffering baby, as a treat”
life is just a torment and non-existence is preferable to existence.
- Dalai Lama addressing his serfs
That entire first sentence is just projection. No, the majority of people do not agree that life is suffering. People still find enjoyment in life despite things not being good.
They don’t realize that the Buddhist mantra means “Life always involves suffering” - it’s not the same as “Life is inherently miserable”. It’s a reassurance, to prepare you for life and help you make sense of the chaos.
They’re thinking of white western existentialism, which is largely self-pitying and useless.
Balderdash, existentialism does whippits
what if im natalist neutral like have kids if you want or dont i just dont care
That’s called being normal
what is this “nurmul”? is that how you say it?
It’s actually pronounced Nurm Owl
Nurm Owl
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absolutely not me irl, but i love that for u
Finding happiness in existence is hard but it is a necessary step to start resisting. I wish you to succeed one day!
thank u lil tank. I hope your tiny military campaign goes well
but it is a necessary step to start resisting
how the fuck do you figure that? we resist because it’s horrible out here
I do it because of the good moments. Loving life for what it could and should be, and fighting for that and for the people who deserve better basically. Just my view though, it’s definitely more abstract than “finding happiness” cause oh boy does stuff suck rn
Because depression makes you do nothing. All irl communists I organised with were people who lived the fullest. They were excessively angry at capitalism, but also joyful, and sometimes really stressed and sad, and sometimes laughing hysterically. To me that’s being “happy” in a revolutionary way.
Of course someone with a perfect life will not be revolutionary but I also don’t think that a perfect life will make anyone truly happy
Not for me, I’m fueled by spite
Found you.
You’re fuckin’ done for, bud.
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I should no doubt shut my stupid mouth upon hilarious nonsense like this, but holy-fudgsicles, dude-- I’m as left as it gets in this country, and yet these people are 100x weirder and creepier than I ever could have imagined.
Actually, WHAT actually differentiates themselves from Repubilcans when it comes to destroying democracy, next time their pathetic chance to throw away their vote comes around?
one of you posted this. reveal yourselves. no one posted this unironically, i refuse to believe it.
I’m as left as it gets in this country
Lol that weirdo from yesterday malding
I love it when they cry on other sites
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I never understand natalist arguments because like ok? Just don’t have kids and I will and then my progeny will dab on your grave later. It’s cool dude.
The level of spinelessness to post that over in reddit rather then a place we can easily respond.
yes, we all hate life, which is why we like to imagine a better world. paradoxically, we picture ourselves in that better world- not simply ceasing to exist
literally the weirdest thing to have an axe to grind against hexbear i’ve seen yet
The good thing about anti-natalists is that they can’t pass their anti-natalist ideology on to their children.
Adoption / fostering is a thing. Crazy how people can simultaneously take the stance of “Life under capitalism is suffering and inherently exploitative of the 3rd world” and “Yes, I’d love to funnel more lives into the meatgrinder, wouldn’t you?”
Do these dumbasses not know what “pro-choice” means?
We’re just the rational center between anti-natalism and pro-life.
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