to incest with the thought-experiment defenses being so peculiar and rare they’re not worth treating with.
“Accidental incest” happens more often than people think, particularly in smaller isolated counties. It’s something of a problem in Iceland for example.
yeah it’s not something people would advertise about themselves. in that rare exception sure i’m not gonna go on the twitter dot com and cancel some random married couple that did not break up a long term relationship over it, but that’s usually not what the weirdos who argue for it are talking about.
“Accidental incest” happens more often than people think, particularly in smaller isolated counties. It’s something of a problem in Iceland for example.
yeah it’s not something people would advertise about themselves. in that rare exception sure i’m not gonna go on the twitter dot com and cancel some random married couple that did not break up a long term relationship over it, but that’s usually not what the weirdos who argue for it are talking about.