oh god i sound like an asshole in the op sorry, and there was no way for you to actually know this, honestly unless youre working in fields related to 3D this is some obscure nerd knowledge and since im one I typed this with this exact face while sipping my tea lmao.
Btw since 3D is so accessible these days, it made sculpting, which used to be for people lucky enough to inherent or earn wealthy patrons, into a very accessible field, i find that super neat.
Fair point; my bad
I was just thinking about the original reaction painters had to photography and extending that to other fields which was lazy on my part.
oh god i sound like an asshole in the op sorry, and there was no way for you to actually know this, honestly unless youre working in fields related to 3D this is some obscure nerd knowledge and since im one I typed this with this exact face
while sipping my tea lmao.
Btw since 3D is so accessible these days, it made sculpting, which used to be for people lucky enough to inherent or earn wealthy patrons, into a very accessible field, i find that super neat.