It’s almost like one must examine and consider each conflict individually.
I oppose war. I don’t oppose defending oneself. I don’t oppose helping somebody defend themselves.
if china puts nuclear bombs in Mexico and Canada, what will be the reaction of US ?
People have been completely brainwashed to believe that the war in Ukraine occurred just because of Putin’s imperial ambitions, which is obviously a factor. it was always known that nato expansion will trigger a war. US pushed for it because it wanted a war.
That logic would make sense except for the fact that the war just caused more countries to join NATO. Surely Putin could see that coming by invading Ukraine again. He is evil not stupid.
The truth of the matter is Putin didn’t care what the cost was, he just wanted Ukraine back as part of Russia because it would cement his legacy to the Russian populace.
And most importantly for Russia, it creates a buffer state between them and NATO and gives access to the Mediterranean via the black sea.
Putin is evil not stupid.
Stupid Putin invades Ukraine.
Also your logic about nuclear bombs in Mexico and Canada makes no sense when hyperballistic ICBMs are a thing. It doesn’t matter where the nukes are.
If you’re gonna make a point about strategic positioning at least make a good one instead of the straw man scary nuclear bomb argument that is only used for emotional reasons.
Counterforce doctrine memes from people who think a nuclear war is winnable and that losing tens of millions of people to the nukes that sneak through are just acceptable losses
I’m not going to bother to link, you could easily Google it, but the West know Ukraine is a red-line going as far back as the 2000’s, when the British government under Tony Blair even questioned Ukraine’s place in the world. One adviser thought Ukrainians are not European enough and that the country is in the realm of Russia. Ukraine at the time also told the West not to trust Putin and that they had “too rosy view” of the Russian president, when at the time the West was on friendlier terms with the Putin. Ukraine did not trust Russia from the very beginning. So, even before 2014, the foundations have been already been set for a geopolitical powder keg.
Also, why the heck do people act as though the Ukrainians do not have their own autonomy to decide for themselves? Do armchair political analysts, living outside of conflict zones, typing comfortably on their computer while sipping a glass of wine, ever asked the Ukrainians what they want? They revolted in 2013 against then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych when he reneged on a deal with the EU, only to sign a deal with the Russians at the last minute. It is very improbable that Ukrainians were somehow brainwashed to align with the West and “coup” their own government, unlike what Russian propaganda often repeats like a mantra. It is though as if Ukrainians cannot decide for themselves! After all, Ukraine is usually pejoratively referred to as “little Russia”, as though Ukrainians are little siblings who can’t take care of themselves.
What is opposing a war?
People call themselves war opponents when they oppose invading Vietnam, which is good.
People also call themselves war opponents when they oppose Ukraine defending itself, which is bad. They support Russia invading Ukraine. They support wars except the ones when the US is invading.
There is a lot more context to the war in the Donbas.
nobody opposes to Ukraine defending itself.
Anti-War stance involves opposing Russia for invading Ukraine along with blood thirsty neoliberals like Victoria nuland who will sacrifice Ukrainian people to advance US strategic interest. They want this war to go on as long as they can make it go on. no price is too small.
No one buys what you’re selling. Russia can end the war today, but they won’t, because they’re run by a literally evil kleptocratic dictator.
wow such a nuanced take you got there. I wish I had the intellectual capacity to engage with you.
Most self-aware idiot.
They want this war to go on as long as they can make it go on. no price is too small.
Bullshit. Russia can end this war tomorrow by respecting the treaties it signed with Ukraine.
The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation was an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed in 1997, which fixed the principle of strategic partnership, the recognition of the inviolability of existing borders, and respect for territorial integrity and mutual commitment not to use its territory to harm the security of each other.
Russia invaded. Russia can leave. Otherwise Ukraine has every right to defend itself and it’s allies are wise to arm it.
The Ukrainians want to join the West than align with Russia. Conspiracy theories or not, the Ukrainians in the run-up to the Maidan revolution were agitated when then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych reneged on the deal with the EU only to sign a deal with the Russians at the last minute. Unlikely that Ukrainians as a whole were somehow brainwashed and “coup” the government.
No one ever asked the Ukrainians what they want, haven’t they? Or are we talking to Russian bots speaking on Ukrainians’ behalf because they think Ukrainians are their little brothers who doesn’t know any better? Ukraine is always “little Russia” for them, isn’t it?
I’m liberal and support trans/gay rights, woman’s body autonomy, social umbrellas for the poor and unhoused, legalization of recreational drugs, but I also like guns and desire all minorities who have no agency to own them, as well as support all wars against bullies because pacifism does nothing to stop them otherwise. Where do I stand? I guess I’ll go fuck myself then.
social umbrellas
Treat the symptoms not the cause
support all wars against bullies because pacifism does nothing to stop them otherwise.
Simplify geopolitics into “bullies”, support the actions of NATO/US as though they’re not “bullies”
Pretty much liberal yeah
Treat the symptoms not the cause
I definitely prefer my symptoms being treated while waiting to get the cure
Liberals don’t want the cure though. They want “ethical capitalism” or whatever. (A contradiction in terms)
I didn’t say they were the one with the cure
Treat the symptoms not the cause.
You’ll find that almost all liberals also want to treat the cause, but they are blocked at every step by conservatives and centrists.
Treat the symptoms not the cause
Treat both. They usually give you a painkiller while setting your bones.
Wait until they find out that there’s a ton of “we don’t know what the underlying cause is” and “we don’t have a cure for that yet” in medicine. In which case you have to do your best treating the symptoms – which is also true outside of the world of medicine.
Sometimes a temporary fix buys you time to do it right. Sometimes a perfect or even “really good” solution isn’t feasible for myriad reasons: so you do the best with what you have.
It’s just such a stupid false dichotomy. Give the man the fish and teach him to fish. It’s a lot easier to learn on a full stomach.
You expect leftists to do anything but idly daydream about the day that a socialist revolution finally and magically falls into their laps?
I think that makes you a leftist who hasn’t yet realized that liberalism doesn’t want many of those things.
Sounds like liberalism can go fuck itself too if they don’t care about trans/gay rights, etc.
They care about them in a performative way. The minute it stands in their way or they can’t use it as a tool to get your support to gain or maintain power they will immediately drop the act. Before Oberfell even Obama wouldn’t give a clear statement of support for gay marriage because it was seen as political poison.
They care about them in a performative way. The minute it stands in their way or they can’t use it as a tool to get your support to gain or maintain power they will immediately drop the act.
Standing up for trans acceptance and rights is the right thing to do but it is by no means a winner of a political platform:
The public is divided over the extent to which our society has accepted people who are transgender: 38% say society has gone too far in accepting them, while a roughly equal share (36%) say society hasn’t gone far enough. About one-in-four say things have been about right. Underscoring the public’s ambivalence around these issues, even among those who see at least some discrimination against trans people, a majority (54%) say society has either gone too far or been about right in terms of acceptance. haven’t dropped it yet, despite anti-trans sentiment being one of the Right’s favorite things to rally around.
You are left.
Need to know his stsnce on capitalism first.
This is a joke, right?
It reads a lot different if you’re familiar with Gourevitch’s writing, especially on the Rwandan genocide. “We Wish to Inform you that Tomorrow we Will be Killed with our Families.” Read it if you haven’t already.
Is this a “the right can’t meme” thing? Liberals are opposed to the current Russia-ukraine war and Israeli-palestine war and are currently supporting the newest civil rights movement.
Nah I think it’s just the same snake-in-the-grass right wing propaganda bullshit that infects every leftist space online to sow complacency and disempower us with apathy by trying to convince us that the comparative left-ish-leaning party is the same or worse than the right so as to maintain the hold on power the right has. It’s bullshit anti-leftist wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing rhetoric. Same as it always was.
Edit: typos.
A leftist is someone who opposes every war except for the ones the fascists might win.