Hi, all!

Feel free to do a quick introduction if you’ve joined this instance, or if you’re from another instance but interested in the communities here.

I’ll go first: I’m Beto, originally from Brazil but living in California. I started writing songs when I was 14 years old, and always loved making music.

I have a one-person band called The Fishermen & the Priestess, and I post all my songs (releases and experimental tracks) on a Funkwhale instance (which is another federated project).

My songs are usually ambient/downtempo and very hopeful. I love using cassette tapes, tape loops, and 4-track recorders, and I’m planning to release my next album on microcassettes.

  • @eldoom
    41 year ago

    Hi everyone! I’m eldoom!

    I’m a metalworker by profession but I spend most of my free time learning banjo and DJing really weird dub music. Sometimes I DJ space bass or what some people call acid trap. I also have a kalimba I love playing with. I’ve been working on getting Ableton up and running to create my own tracks, but my space is sorta limited and I can’t stand making music without at least turning some knobs and hitting some keys lol. Someday soon.

    I love all types of music as long as the message or general feel is uplifting or makes me think. I’ve been scrolling around here and it looks like I’m going to learn a lot!

    • BetoOPMA
      31 year ago

      Welcome, eldoom!

      Kalimbas are super cool and underrated… have you ever seen the Colour Palette? I’ve been wanting to do some kind of DIY version of that, it’s a cool concept.

      • @eldoom
        31 year ago

        Oh yeah I did see one of those a while back! Really cool kalimba! Have you seen this video? Dude hacks it and I think it’s just nuts.

        • BetoOPMA
          31 year ago

          Oh, I haven’t seen that video! That is amazing!

          • @eldoom
            21 year ago

            Right! I’m definitely going to have to get one of those eventually lol!

    • @RiotEarp
      21 year ago

      I started playing banjo about month ago! Want to co-moderate a banjo community here?

      • @eldoom
        11 year ago

        I totally would love to but I work 10 hour days and have 3 kids and I simply don’t have anywhere near enough time for that… It’s also why I haven’t started like a wook bass or a dub community here.