Does Overwatch, the Blizzard game, count as cyberpunk, or does cyberpunk require a darker aesthetic?
I only know cyberpunk through CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077 game, and I guess also through the Blade Runner movies. So, I don’t really know much about it from literature or tabletop games.
That said, Overwatch has a lot of the same themes, but with a brighter “Sunday morning cartoon/anime” aesthetic.
So yeah, thoughts?
I would say no, none of the themes of cyberpunk are really there and aesthetic is also very far off
There’s the lijiang tower map that has some really cool aesthetics, I’d say kinda cyberpunkysh:![photo](
I think it mostly looks futuristic, and not cyberpunk, what I consider cyberpunk look is more dirty, less utopistic and polished look. I tried to post image from Deus Ex Mankind Divided Golem City, but it didn’t work for some reason.
Just post an external URL to it like i did, similar to old reddit
It’s also more lightweight to the instances, I strictly only upload images I don’t want to rot on here