Yours are shit? Just wait until you come here to Czechia (not really a long drive but your car’s suspension will definitely be nearly dead)
Yours are shit? Just wait until you come here to Czechia (not really a long drive but your car’s suspension will definitely be nearly dead)
They would have to take budget from the military to afford this, what an outrageous act! Wait they can just defund hospitals and schools even more, but do you honestly think they would allocate even a dollar to safety for their citizens? Nah they would just shove the new money into the military again
This whole thing is satire, I didn’t say /s since it looked like it’s just focusing on the last sentence instead of the whole comment
Well considering here in Czechia (the country that’s 90% “middle of fucking nowhere”) it’s scary that a third of active phones are iPhones, how does anyone except the people living in big cities afford this shit? People around me are getting iPhones, but it’s always like 4-5 year old 11s and 12s, literally the shittiest investment you can do
Also can’t wait in a couple of years when this number will probably go up and iMessage will take over any other messaging app
What’s the thing to the left of steam?
I was about to say that most apps should check the NT number but then I remembered that until XP it wasn’t common to run a NT system, but then I remembered NT 4 existed basically in the same timeframe as 95 did, and even if the argument went to “it’s a 9x application”, shouldn’t these OSes at least have some sort of build number or different identifier systems? Because as I said NT systems were around, so they would probably need a check for that
I was a lot into drawing a few years ago, moderately good I would say, nothing exceptional I would say, then I got bored of drawing with a pencil and paper and wanted to try out digital drawing, never got one and I didn’t draw ever since, I’ve had some hand injuries in that time (nothing serious but it definitely left a mark) so idk if I can still draw, and this just turns into a spiral of demotivation
I am on the poorer side and living in one of the central European countries (yeah I’m a teen)
I only have a core 2 duo desktop with 3 GB of ram and a laptop with a i5 also with 3gb of ram, both only HDD machines
The desktop now runs Linux, but because it has components even Intel doesn’t want to list on their website (the mobo) it runs it pretty poorly (also I bricked it somehow not run windows or any other usb install media, which is a big problem), the laptop runs windows 7 (it literally refuses to open the update utility I downloaded from MS’s website, so that’s that, two obsolete machines, that are absolutely horrendous to do anything with (not to mention my shitty 350$ phone is more powerful than both of them combined)
Well first they support file uploads, second I feel like everyone I ever met from this instance was nice to everyone (sure that can be because it’s smaller but it also has less controversies (i.e. what the dude I was replying to, the blocking us) due to the overall nature of this instance)
Went here for the file uploads, stayed for the community, that’s what I can personally say
I’d suggest the switch for you
Lol, for me it was similar, I had a few things I didn’t like about so I ditched my account there and went here by accident (well just by searchimg and it fulfilling all my needs and a ton more things), ended up liking this instance a ton so it became my daily driver
I am from there and I have to agree with him on the dot, every bigger (like 250 residents min) random village has a train station here
Exactly, I have never seen anyone actually talk about it except here
He’s all four at the same time