This for me is one of two favorite pre-Antwoord tracks, neck to neck with “Stay at Home”.
Also, if you’re into early WTJ, check out The Constructus Corporation, their monumental album The Ziggurat is a masterpiece of storytelling.
It’s pretty okay if you’re like me, i.e. have no needs above full hd res and can either take or leave rtx
I asked the local deepseek-14b in my basement what it thinks and bolded the part that was also my answer.
Q: Can you explain referring to sex as “screwing”? Doesn’t that imply some rotational energy the act doesn’t have? Unless I’m doing it wrong. And although screws DO go in and out, they do it awfully slowly. If we’re going to use mechanical metaphors, wouldn’t “pistoning” be more apt?
<think> Okay, so someone is questioning why people refer to sex as “screwing.” They think that using the term implies some kind of rotational energy since screws rotate when they’re driven in, but during sex, there’s no actual rotation involved. Plus, screws go in and out slowly, while sexual intercourse typically happens much faster. The person is suggesting that maybe “pistoning” would be a better metaphor because it relates to the in-and-out motion, similar to how a piston works in an engine.
Hmm, I can see where they’re coming from. Metaphors are tricky because they try to draw parallels between two different things, but sometimes those parallels aren’t perfect. Let’s break this down. First, why do people use “screwing” for sex? Well, the term probably originates from the physical action of screwing something in, like using a screwdriver. The movement involves turning and pushing, which might have been likened to the movements involved in sexual intercourse.
But wait, when you screw something, it’s more about rotation and maybe some linear motion as you turn the screwdriver. However, during sex, while there is an in-and-out motion, it’s not rotational. So why the term “screwing”? Maybe because both involve a kind of forceful entry or movement?
Or perhaps it’s just that the word became slang over time and stuck, even if the mechanics aren’t exactly the same.
Then, the person points out that screws go in and out slowly, but sex is usually faster. That’s another point—metaphors often simplify things, so maybe “screwing” is used not because of the speed or movement type, but more for the idea of fitting together or forcing entry.
As for suggesting “pistoning,” they’re right that pistons move in a cyclical in-and-out motion, which might be a closer fit to how sex is sometimes described. But why isn’t “pistoning” the term used instead? Maybe because “screw” has a stronger connotation of force and assembly, which are aspects people associate with sex.
I wonder if there’s also a historical or cultural reason for using “screwing.” Maybe in certain contexts, it was considered more vulgar or descriptive than other terms. Also, metaphors often stick based on how they’re popularized in media, literature, or even slang usage, regardless of their technical accuracy.
Another angle is that “screwing” might evoke the idea of紧固 and fitting together, which could metaphorically relate to intimacy. So it’s not just about the motion but also about the connection between people. On the other hand, “pistoning” seems more mechanical and less about the emotional or intimate aspect.
But then again, maybe the person is overthinking it. Sometimes metaphors are used because they’re catchy or have a certain rhythm in language, even if they aren’t technically accurate. For example, saying “making love” is poetic but doesn’t describe the mechanics either.
I also think about other sex-related terms, like “dancing,” which emphasizes movement and rhythm over specifics of motion. So maybe “screwing” just stuck because it was a term that described the act in a way that was understood at some point, even if the metaphor isn’t perfect.
In conclusion, while “pistoning” might be a more accurate mechanical metaphor for the in-and-out motion, “screwing” has its own history and connotations that make it a common slang term. Metaphors often don’t need to be technically precise; they just need to resonate or convey an idea effectively, even if imperfectly. </think>
not everyone is able to nor should become an ambassador for their “group”.
it’s also not everyone’s responsibility
I’m not talking about moral duty or responsibility, I’m just saying the outcomes are better for the person doing the choosing if they engage with the world around them instead of shut it out.
you might find yourself laughing along with hurtful jokes when you don’t want to. Especially when it’s an old friend.
If it’s an old friend, then you especially need to make some effort, for your own sake if not theirs. People are using “nazi” and “bigot” as thought-terminating cliches, but in many cases you can have a normal conversation with the person you’d call a nazi for their online output about things not related to your or their identity or politics. You can learn woodworking from a nazi and go on to make furniture decorated with a hammer&sickle instead of a swastika. It’s an extreme example, perhaps, but in my view it’s also really extreme to peddle this extreme misanthropy as advice to people on the internet you don’t know about their friends you also don’t know. “Engage with them and try” seems to me like less of an error these days if we’re talking generalizations then “cut them off”.
cutting contact will help your mental health
I keep seeing this as self-help advice and it’s completely wrong in my opinion, both for a person in question and for all trans people around them. On societal level, if nobody engages one another things will just slide even worse. And on a personal level, you don’t always get to choose open-minded friends. If you just push everyone away waiting for more compatible people, you’ll be alone. Poptimism really oversells a strong individual standing alone in a world of bigots.
it also might teach your friend that those jokes hurt, and that her new choices have consequences.
A better way is to not cut the person out but explain it to them, over and over. You cut them out, the lesson they’ll probably learn is that they lost a friend to a biblical plague of gayness or something. Engaging is hard, but unless you try, you’re doing nothing.
Many such cases
Fool me thrice…
I love this song.
I like your optimism, but: “A double-click opens the Essential Space. This is where all the little snippets you record during the day end up, and the AI uses them to create reminders, recommendations and the like. Essential requires an internet connection. According to Nothing, the data remains within the EU on a server in Paris.” Here.
To make sure Essential Space is always a click away, Nothing created the Essential Key.
The only thing I love more than cloud-backed note-taking crapware is when it has a dedicated hardware key. I hope they haven’t gone full Bixby and it can be remapped without jumping through hoops.
That’s banished from polite editorialising for being rude to drivers, cars kill so many we’d ban them from all cities already if the press hasn’t been inventing euphemisms for a century. It sometimes leaks into reporting about this new mode of vehicular terrorism. They’re so objective they can’t yet tell whether it’s a deliberate henious act or just normal car insanity which is treated as a sad but unavoidable fact of life where the car just swerves due to conditions and stuff. Interesting to see in the wild.
P.s. though, with self-driving systems, that title will probably be technically correct again at some point
What do you mean “work with”, it’s a different-ass client? Do you mean if it’s possible to import settings?
I didn’t sell your shit, I collected it and shared it to keep myself comercially viable.
It’s just Firefox but you trust some nerds they’ve weeded all of Mozilla out. It comes with ublock origin installed and a simple searchbar homepage. It’s great because Firefox is great and the nerds who added value by stripping bullshit did a good job, but if Putin replaced them with some blyat and pushed an update I’m not sure I’d notice on time.
I’ve had a Motorola for decades now, several motoG and now a midrange Edge and I’m less and less satisfied every year. The hardware is really good, but Motorola is just coasting on their reputation for not installing junk, the latest Android 14 phones are full of shit you need hours and some back and forth to weed it out.
There’s Moto, then Moto App Manager that actively pushes unwanted shit games and apps as if it’s a cute discovery feature, Moto Secure, Moto Unplugged, Moto Widget, Motorola Notifications (fucking spam), Lenovo ID, Meta App Installer, Meta App Manager, Meta Services, Moto AI Services (fucking die Lenovo), Moto Camera Content 3 (funny, I thought camera content is for me to provide), Moto Experience Hub, Moto Feedback, Moto Feedback Assistant (are you fucking kidding me), Moto Thinkshield, another Moto Apps, MotoSecurityHubExt and so on. You can uninstall SOME OF THEM only with ADB and an usb connection, or disable them.
Regarding battery life, it’s not that good out of the box. Most of those apps really want to be resident in memory and are hungry for internet access - I have to force all connections through Rethink to block almost everything on a per-app basis. Once you uninstall what you can, block what you can’t and deny internet access for 80% of what’s left, battery life is good, I get 48 hours normal usage from it. But if you expect to purchase a phone, log in and have a good experience, good luck, it’s way too shit already, Motorola is pretty cooked.
Love them so much. See also their cover of Charanjit Singh, I’m so hoping for a full album:
It doesn’t have to ONLY be inherited for the effect to be present, it’s about 75% inherited, which is quite enough for a scifi premise to stand up better than most scifi plots.
You mean eugenics, but it shouldn’t be an ideological position, reality in this case is that intelligence is actually very inheritable, around three quarters is a summary of decades of research.
It’s not even liberalism, it’s pragmatism. It’s simultaneously giving software as a commons and trying to restrict it, an extension of culture wars that’s so ineffective it gives the other side an easy win once they set up chudwhale as a script that forks the latest codebase but with no blocklist and a pepe mascot. Just time unspooling. I might be depressed.
I use osmand and send simple plaintext coordinates: 45.89873° N, 15.94801° E
If you mean continuous location sharing, there’s a tracker plugin for osmand which (sadly) uses Telegram. Haven’t tried it, but if it’s encrypted (as Telegram chat isn’t by default), could be good.