The show was destroyed by two mediocre fuck face showrunners who were more interested in harassing the naked extras on set then running the production lol
The show was destroyed by two mediocre fuck face showrunners who were more interested in harassing the naked extras on set then running the production lol
it could be worth it for people in poorer countries
As a bisexual i mean ambidextrous person I keep it in my left front pocket or right back pocket
Its shortsighted to trust math?
Respectfully disagree. The math speaks for itself
Speed of light is a bit of a misnomer, its really the speed of causality; the least amount of time it can take for one thing to interact with another. It will never be possible to overcome that limit unfortunately
It honestly pisses me off lol. I was so into space as a youngin but as Ive gotten a better grasp of the scale and what is actually possible in physics Ive realized its a massive boondoggle. Real pretty though
Space is incomprehensibly big and its getting larger over time. We will never have meaningful travel outside the solar system. If humanity started traveling in space from the moment we evolved, we would be able to travel the length of the milky way around two times. Space is basically a boondoggle. Our solar system still contains lots of resources though, so its not totally worthless.
whatever helps you sleep at night smdh
I have no problems not being able to interact with the overt tankie instance tbh
A lot of people have mentioned great tips for getting into playing basketball but theres one absolutely crucial one that hasnt been mentioned yet: footwork footwork footwork. Seriously. 99% of the people you will play recreationally will have terrible footwork on offense and defense but it is absolutely fundamental. The best way to improve your footwork is to play soccer or be a dancer lol
edit; Also, do your Mikan Drills! I cant tell you how many easy smoked layups I see from people who should be better.
edit 2: Okay last addendum: The two moves that opened up my scoring more than anything are the windmill crossover and this unnamed fake-into-crossover move. The windmill crossover is not too hard to pull off but the other move is much more advanced. But it shows how you can make a huge advantage just using a little bit of footwork. Heres two great videos that break down the two moves
Play Nba2k. It really helps you learn all the players and rosters. I used to know pretty much every scrub in the NBA but since ive stopped playing I really only can remember starting lineups at best lol. You can also learn a lot about basketball plays from that game which should make watching the real game easier.
look, if you cant figure out what to do with holes thats your problem
Im glad to see coachs are finally getting bags. Its not fair that absolute bums be out here making $100m while the guys who have to make it all work getting paid relative peanuts lol
They realized their young chuckers need some guidance in chucking so they got some of the best chuckers on the market.
more realistically, the owner is a cheap ass fuckin mobster who will never pay enough for Houston to have a competent FO or coaching staff and he will not pony up to pay players when the time comes. Harden was incredibly wise to ask out and im a huge harden hater
edit: I will give massive props to their scouting though. They really seem to knock it out of the park in the draft. Heres hoping the man fired for sexual harassment can create a proper culture of accountability for these young guys
jack is a fascist so it shouldnt surprise anyone
got a real badass over here lol
Fuck around and find out traitorous fucks