Youtube should have never removed the maximum 10 minutes limit on videos in 2010
Youtube should have never removed the maximum 10 minutes limit on videos in 2010
Hype! Lower Decks; Lower Decks; Lower Decks!
Russian warship, go f*** yourself
I can smell the cigarette pack by the bed and it smells disgusting
Statute of limitations. Fleeing the country is a great trick if you can manage it. Roman Polanski had the same idea
Assange is a rapist that works for Russian intelligence. Notice how he has never once published anything that puts Russia or US Republicans in bad light
He’s so smart that he fled a country that doesn’t extradite to the US (Sweden) to a country that does (UK)
A new challenge with open submissions would be low effort AI spam. Scifi magazines are buckling under the tidal wave of crud right now https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/25/23613752/ai-generated-short-stories-literary-magazines-clarkesworld-science-fiction
“If you want peace, prepare for war. Si vis pacem, para bellum.” - Vegetius
Big bureaucracies do tend to have waste, but spending less reduces both useful spending and wasteful spending equally. Cutting a budget does not achieve virtue. US military spending keeps the world at peace
I left in November and deleted my account in December. Mastodon/the Fediverse is what I always wanted Twitter to be but it never was
I’ve been a loyal Fitbit user for a decade, but Google’s killed all the features that made it good (challenging friends, playing silly games). I’m thinking of picking up a Garmin next
Employees that dont want to move will likely be offered a severance package.
Or terminated for cause, so it’s cheaper than a layoff
Oh, I forgot about these. These songs are so lovely to catch up on
I’m sure I saw an interesting article about it many years ago, but this is the best I can find right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/ql0bsd/what_time_signature_is_the_tng_theme/
The time signature (I had to Google) starts in the common 4/4 but then switches into 12/8 or 6/8 which has a lot of flavour
Now that they have an option for residential on top of commercial, offices not being on top of commercial sticks out to me
The price is right. See Price Discrimination: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/price_discrimination.asp