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VOA takes money from US taxpayers, not the Trump administration. Criticizing Trump is about as pro-American as that news organization can get.
Your critical self-reflection is the rarest characteristic of wisdom in these dark times. You actually care about the truth.
I’ve never met an actual Christian in America. They’re all fake as fuck, and there’s nothing about abortion in the Bible. It’s one of the easiest moral questions, one that ethicists don’t even bother to debate anymore: no, we shouldn’t force women and children to give birth to rape babies. wtf.
Sure, that’s one practical aspect of money that lends itself to superficial quantitative analysis. But it’s not the whole picture. Money is fundamentally about the power to get people to do things for you. That’s what it represents. With money I can force people to give me things and do things for me, almost like magic.
Now the origins of money is rooted in debt (and power). When a ruling body exercises a monopoly on violence over a region, it can offer promissory notes (IOUs) that others value, because they have faith that this ruling body can force its citizens to work by extracting taxes from them.
Check out “Debt: The Last 5000 Years,” or similar anthropological work on the origins of money.
Keeping consumers alive as a class is indirectly encouraged in capitalism.
All they want is money, which has nothing to do with consumers whatsoever. Corporations could extract money by devouring each other, or by taking over a nation state, or by hijacking a treasury department, or by issuing their own money a la crypto. Remember that money is an abstraction (or an instrument) of power. Violently subjugating a region is tantamount to possessing that power (which we call money), or the ability to make others do what you want.
What a bizarre comment.
Fact checking is censorship apparently.
That’s fascinating and quite shitty. Unfortunately there’s no other communication service with comparable performance when it comes to screen and file sharing, which is what I care about.
Good write up, except Skype is a bad example, because it’s better than any alternative, at least when it comes to screen sharing, audio quality, and file sharing. (Although I’d love to be wrong about this.)
Dude read the room
Yes, because it would make the Mac worse. Nvidia GPUs are comically inefficient.
EDIT: tech illiterate shit-for-brains downvoted this comment.
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We are so lucky Nintendo sells shitty video games instead of health insurance. It could always be worse, folks.
OpenAI has entered the chat^
Stealing from pension funds is violence. When we say nonviolent crimes we mean crimes that aren’t morally wrong, but are technically illegal. Like hacking corporate emails or shooting healthcare execs.
Let me know after you move to a region with no taxes. I’ll come kill you and take all your stuff since there’s no justice system.
I don’t care if he’s an extraterrestrial or a gerbil, eating the rich is awesome.
Evil. They’re evil.
These things take time