Number 7 might let you cheat at some carnival/gambling games. Which of these 1000 boxes has the million dollars in it? The one I can’t see through, of course!
WDYM? This whole image is flat!
Did they send it to their work-email? :-)
Of all the sources of truth, why pick auto-complete?
I’m told that prison tech is transparent.
How exactly would someone prove they are unvaccinated anyway?
Next time try using an oven. :-)
There is always that vanishingly small chance this is a real person confused as to why nobody responds and their accounts keep getting banned. :-)
Memeing the dream!
One of those guys looks happy… just sayin’.
I always leave the Brocolli alone. :-)
I imagine they prefer to be grounded in reality, as over-use of the holodeck is shameful.
They used to fill the whole package, and now the have paper “rails” to only fill the visible part.
I wonder what the absolute minimal (or technically, most cost effective; dollars per “good”) shelter would look like? And in what priority order? A tent, a sleeping bag, a pillow, a foam insulation sheet? Could we design a micro house that is just six identical hunter-panels that snap together in a clever way?
When you’re not going to be around long enough to justify the cost of a photo-id.
I can’t tell if this is satire.
Destroyed by the Creator
Only forward? Kinda need to go forward and back repeatedly, no?