there are towns, though when I last played the only interactions were really the conflict event thing, and I don’t think it really did anything. I’m curious by what you’re thinking is meaningful for the NPCs to do. Something like DF where they build out their own skills/story?
watch the video, my dude
ppe is pre-production environment
…it is definitely a typo, nobody says ppeview
Typing is one of those things that is just experience. Grab a typing test program and put in the time. It took me a few weeks, starting with doing simple things like the equivalent of jkjlj; sets until my pea brain got the minimal amount of muscle memory to be able to use it in the wild. YMMV but I can still use QWERT as well, but it feels weird and not as natural anymore.
Neon White, it’s fun and scratches the same time trial competitive itch Mirror’s Edge had. I like the story as well, it’s quirky and funny, not too serious.
Nothing wrong with using individual cables. Theoretically, there isn’t a problem with using the daisy chained connector unless you’re really sucking down a lot of power. I’ve always used individual cables just to be safe.
Kind of an old one, but Creeper World is kind of like that. I don’t know if it’s actually released, though. It was originally a flash game and the developer was making a new version, but in the devlogs I’ve seen he had changed the game significantly multiple times and then I lost interest. Might be worth checking out either way.
I was going to suggest Toribash, but that looks way cooler. Toribash is pretty ancient at this point and has a pretty tough learning curve.
Finished one ending of Armored Core 6, I’ll be hopping back to Divinity 2 to play through that before playing BG3
I’m not one to stan for mac because I’d rather just use Linux, but there’s a little dot under the icon in the dock if the application is open (windows has a line which is definitely more visible), and you can change the size of the dock. I make it as small as possible and have it grow big when hovering. You can also put it on any side, doesn’t have to be the bottom, or horizontal, and it can be hidden so it doesn’t take any space unless you mouse over the edge. I think the top bar can work like that too. I hate having things pop up so I don’t do that, I just try to minimize the resting screen space used. With my settings it takes up about as much space as the windows task bar.
You can also fullscreen apps and use multi desktop if you really need all your screen space. The laptop work gave me has a notch for the webcam so the os reserves space at at the top for fullscreen as well otherwise apps would be getting part of it cut off (i.e., search bar on slack), but it’s 16:10 so whatever.
That being said… let it out bro, I get red in the face any time I have to use MS office products for work lmao
Nice work so far, keep it up! Going to another page makes the whole page flash with “Loading” - think about how you can send the next request without re-rendering into that ‘loading’ state each time.
an is an article and at and to are prepositions