I will say I have it on my radar to build a Ferris Sweep with ZMK and hotswap Choc sockets; between watching Ben Vallack’s excellent videos (thanks Ben!) and watching, “34 Keys is All You Need” - introduced me to the idea of using the Sweep with the Miryoku layout. As someone who spends all day either conducting workshops, interviewing clients where we type a mountain of notes, or turning those interviews and workshops into reports that extend into the multi-dozens of pages it appeals to me as seriously efficient and very travel friendly. Anyone have experience with said combo?
I will say I have it on my radar to build a Ferris Sweep with ZMK and hotswap Choc sockets; between watching Ben Vallack’s excellent videos (thanks Ben!) and watching, “34 Keys is All You Need” - introduced me to the idea of using the Sweep with the Miryoku layout. As someone who spends all day either conducting workshops, interviewing clients where we type a mountain of notes, or turning those interviews and workshops into reports that extend into the multi-dozens of pages it appeals to me as seriously efficient and very travel friendly. Anyone have experience with said combo?